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Rocket put a bubble around Blue and Zatanna reinforced it with her magic. I pulled myself from the ground and pulled the staple that was holding Impulse from the wall.

"Ha don't you get it Extraterrestre? Batgirl, Tsubaki, and Impulse were decoys. A distraction from Rocket and Zatanna's real attack. Guess some kills are harder than others."

I helped Impulse to Sphere. We took off.

"Enjoy your advantage while you can, The Reach tracks my every move. And when we're done there won't be enough for a DNA identification." Blue said.

"Nice dead threat could it get anymore technical and dull?"

I smiled.

"Tell us where we're going and I'll make your deaths painless." Blue threatened.

"Oh yeah that scared em." Jaime laughed.

We approached Bialya, Beast Boy, Wonder girl, and Robin were already there on the ground, incase we needed back up. The doors in the mountain blew up and we flew in.

"We've got company and I'm otherwise occupied keeping up this bubble around Blue." Rocket said.

"Chill ax Rock, we're prepped for Queen Bee's tin soldiers." Impulse said.

"Mrasid!" Zatanna yelled.

"Hey, I was gonna do that." Impulse whined.

"You can still knock them out." Zatanna said.

"Oh yeah. Crash!" He took off and knocked all the guards to the ground.

Devastation knocked Impulse down and picked him up by his ankle.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, let go, let go, get!" Impulse tried to get away from her.

*epic fight sequence that I'm too lazy to write*

We went into a room that looked like a temple of sorts. It had weird scarab markings all over the place.

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