Ta da!

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The outfits in the picture. #1 is Thea's casual wear. #2 is her superhero costume, there are two things that are not in the second outfit and that is her witch hat and mask. Thea's superhero name is Tsubaki. Thank you.✌🏾️

I walked into the room behind Beast Boy and Robin, Nightwing was saying something about some Aliens that were using humans as test subjects. My head started hurting a lot.

Something is about happen.

Just then the the computer went off. Unidentified energy impulse!

A Time Machine that's so cool.

I stepped back. Nightwing held his hand out in front of me and the guys.

A boy about my age jumped out. "Ta Da!" 

Intruder alert intruder alert unidentified energy impulse!

"I guess we found our unidentified energy impulse." BB said.

"Impulse, Thats so crash. Catchy, dramatic, one word." He zoomed over to us.

"Like Tsubaki and Nightwing and Robin and Beast Boy. Well Beast Boy is actually two words. Blue Beetle's two words, wait is he here too?" He spoke really fast and ran down the hall.

"Never mind, Impulse can find that out for himself." He ran off laughing.

"You guys take him down now." Nightwing ordered.

BB, Robin, and I took off after "Impulse" He ran into the shower room and turned on all the showers. BB ran after him in cheetah form and slid in the water.

I stood in the hall. Impulse stopped right in front of me, I swung at him.

"You're even hotter than the pictures in the history books." He kissed me on the cheek then grabbed my hat.

He ran into the kitchen, making paper fly everywhere. Robin swung his staff at him.

"Limbo Time."

He went right under and ran into the hall. A paper went into Robin's face. He ran on the ceiling dodging the marble type things on the floor. Nightwing hit him in the chest, took my hat and slammed him to the floor handcuffing his hands and feet.

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