ㅤㅤ⁰⁰⁹ : the solution

Start from the beginning

"You told her? After I begged you not to?" She yelled.

"I'm sorry–" He tried to speak, but their mother interrupted once more.

"Don't yell at him, because you're an idiot who fell in love with a married man, a poor married man, at that." Hanae was about to speak once more but her mother didn't even let the words spill out. "I'm done with hearing you whine and complain, you're getting married to whoever I choose."

"I'm not getting married, this is ridiculous." She began walking away but her mother stopped her once again.

"If you don't get married I'll tell your father, everything; the cocaine, the sex, the fiance."

Hanae's mouth curled up in disgust. "You wouldn't dare, you know what that could do to him, his heart can't handle it–"

"It could kill him, I know. But his blood will be on your hands, not mine."

Hanae's breaths were shallow as she relished the peak of her high and for once in her life, she didn't care if anyone smelled the weed wafting through the smoke in her restroom

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Hanae's breaths were shallow as she relished the peak of her high and for once in her life, she didn't care if anyone smelled the weed wafting through the smoke in her restroom. She sank lower into the tub, and she laughed at the thought of how stupid and pathetic she was.

Forced into a marriage of convenience because her family was broke?

How much more of a cliché could she be?

Her mind wandered for hours, the piping-hot water hit her body inside the tub, as she wallowed in her mediocrity. She laid in the water until the ridges in her fingers began to hurt, and when she finally got out of the bathroom the sun had already set, and the cold night air welcomed her briskly as she opened her window.

She debated telling Mary anything, but when she finally mustered the courage to tell her friend what was going on she was shocked to see a notification from an unknown number on her phone screen.

I got your phone number from Mary,
are you feeling better? - k.o

Hanae cocked her head to the side and frowned, yet another thing that would never happen: Kyoya Ootori.

She brushed out her wet hair as she stared at the message on her phone for what felt like an eternity.

She really liked the idea of having Kyoya as a rebound, he was cute and she knew he definitely wouldn't give a damn about her after they slept together.

Of course, there's no way that would happen now.

She was engaged again... but this time it was to a person she hadn't actually seen in well over ten years.

"Fuck," She muttered under her breath, she pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked up at the ceiling.

She liked Kyoya, she liked him a lot.

Sure, she didn't have any actual feelings for him, but she wanted him, she wanted him so bad, the fact that she'd never get to sleep with him made her head pound.

She'd pushed him away initially because she was with Hideo. If she wasn't with Hideo all those months ago, she had no idea what would've happened by now, and now here she was months later in the exact same predicament. She can't do what she wants because she's tied down to a man, and this time it's not even because she loves him, it's because her family needs money.

She felt her nails digging into her palms, and after taking a deep breath she decided to text him back.

hey kyoya, thank you for taking care of me,
im feeling alot better now :)

She quickly put her phone down, too nervous to see when the message popped down on her notifications, but two minutes later she heard her phone ding, and she quickly lifted the phone to see the text he'd sent her. And that's how they spent a good hour, texting back and forth wasting their time away, as she got off her high, and he ignored the pile of paperwork that was waiting to be looked over in front of his table.

So it didn't come off as a shock when he asked if she wanted to come over to his place.

Not even an hour later she was standing two steps away from his penthouse door, holding a six-pack of beer in one hand and her phone in the other.

CIGARETTE DAYDREAMS, kyoya ootori ✓Where stories live. Discover now