The Derpy Dummy (Taurtis)

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I'v been Living in Tokyo for the past 3 years, nothing big has every really happened. expect the deadly car crash of my twin sister Salex a few months ago. We don't look alike so people can tell the difference.

I remember her death clearly.


We both where just talking when it happened. She was telling me how much she loved her boyfriend Taurtis and how funny and derpy he was.

"I should have a day where we all hang out [Y/N]" she smiled cheerfully. "You me taurtis Sam and who ever else you want to invite!"

"Yea it sounds awe-" My sentance was completely interupted by a loud horn and Salex yelling

"[Y/N] LOOK OUT" She pushed me out of the way. I landed on the blacktop with a sprained wrist and a few scratches. when I turned around it was already to late. I saw fire and Salex half dead.

"SALEX" I cried tears wiping the blood clean from a scratch off my face "Salex please don't die on me please please please don't leave it'll be okay!" I grabbed my sweater and put it over leg that was gushing blood and quickly called 9-1-1. "PLEASE HELP I SCREAMED!" A few kids saw and also called 9-1-1 

Salex grabbed my arm with the last bit of strength she had. "[Y/N] me...a favor" she gasped

I cried more "Yes anything what do you need!"

"P-p-please take care o-of my...taur..tis" Those where her last words she said before taking her last breathe

"NOOOOOO" I cried as Paul Blart moved me over to the side "SALEXXX" As 'm there bawling I hear Taurtis yelling and crying too.

"C'mon kid we need to clean this up" Paul blart said moving taurtis over next to me. Taurtis saw me bawling and gasped.

"[Y/N] why...why did this have to happen to us" He cried

I shook my head "no no no this is my fault she did save me" I cried more and Taurtis sat next to me and hugged me trying to confort me.

"this isnt your fault" He said wiping tears from my face "Salex always told me how much she loved you and showed me so many pictures of you two. She even mentioned how she would do anything to keep you with her, even if she could be there."

(normal time)

Thats when it happened...when I fell for him

The Derpy Dummy


i cried writting this xD

No joke xDDDD

such sad much tears :3


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