[ Act 31 ]

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'Teehee! So easy...'

"Yay! Okay, then! Let's play a game to split groups, shall we?" Lon said, louder than before, "What are we going to do?" Mafu asked, his face paled a bit, "Hmm...just a little game of rock-paper-scissors should do!" Lon exclaimed, she told the others to gather around and she started the game, "Rock-paper-scissors!" She shouted,


Service team, Soraru and Lon

Referee, Kashitaro

Receive team, Mafu and Luz,

Ball boy, Amatsuki

"Ugh..." Soraru grunted after seeing the results, he was totally disappointed, he peeked a glance at Mafu and he looked sad too, he caught Soraru's gaze and muttered a 'sorry' under his breath, he responded with a smile and said, "No, I'm sorry,"

Mafu smiled back and turned around, looking at Luz,

'Luz-kun, huh...'

"So, Luz-kun! We have to win this!" Mafu brushed off his thoughts and regained his spirits as he walked towards Luz, "Of course! I won't give them even a slightest chance!" Luz said, sounding really excited, "Good then," he smiled,

"Ooookay! We're starting!" Lon said as she grabbed the ball and got to a sevice position, "Okay then," Kashitarou blowed the starting whistle as Lon swung her arm, making the ball float above the net, and Luz received it easily, "Mafu-kun!" Luz signaled Mafu and tossed it to in front of him, Mafu jumped a little and slapped the ball hard, and goes over the net,

Soraru, who was guarding the front didn't seem to move a muscle, he didn't want to fight Mafu, and so, the ball got in and Mafu-Luz team got a point, they high-fived each other as Lon stompe her way to Soraru, "Soraru-san what are you doing?!" Lon asked, irritation filling her eyes, "U-Umm...I-I didn't see that coming?" Soraru answered nervously as sweat dripped down his face, "Ooh, is that so? I won't forgive you if you do that again!" Lon exclaimed, "Hmm, yeah, okay..." Soraru answered lazily as the two of them changed places after Lon's command,

The game kept continuing, Soraru was still not willing to fight Mafu and let him score a goal, even though he did this, Lon didn't miss her chance and tried to score, which she did, but it was too late after all, the gap in their points were too separated, and in the end, team Mafu-Luz won,

Lon bit her finger and walked to the winning duo, "Hmph, I'm not going to lose next time," She made her words as clear as the day and she glared at Luz, "That was a nice game, uh..." She paused, remembering that she didn't know the tall guy's name, "Luz. My name's Luz," Luz smiled as he offered his hand, "Oh, Luz, huh," Lon gladly shook his hand,

"I'm Lon, it's the first time I saw you," she paused again, now looking around this time, "...What are you to that white-haired boy and Soraru-san," she asked suspiciously, "Don't call him white-haired, he has a name, and I'm just a fellow utaite like them both," he answered, "Hmm, are you fond of that Mafumafu?" Lon asked, an irritated tone starred in her voice, "What if I am?" Luz answered with a deep voice enough to scare the blonde, "I just want to ask, well, you don't have to answer that,"

Meanwhile, when the two started their conversation, Mafu slipped away and walked to Soraru, "Soraru-san," he called, and the raven haired male turned his head, smiling a little, "You were totally doing that on purpose, weren't you?" Mafu asked, pouting a bit, "Huh? What do you mean?" Soraru looked away, "Don't pretend like you don't know!" Mafu huffed, "Isn't it mean to Lon-san!" Mafu said,

'Why would you care about her...' He thought, "Yeah, I guess...I'll apologize later," He said in a sluggish tone, "For now, it's getting dark so, let's go to the hotel?" Soraru suggested, strolling away, "Okay, I'll tell the others," Mafu waved,

'You don't have to care her,'


"Okay, so this is your room," Amatsuki said, holding a paper, he slid open the door and let Mafu in, "Woaah, I didn't know that it would be a traditional room!" Mafu's eyes were drawn open by the sight, it seems so comfortable, he explored the room as he found another sliding door, he slid it open, an he found another room, with a man standing,

"Oh, Soraru-san your room is next to mine!" Mafu said as the raven-haired male turned to him, he took a long stare at the door, "So this door can be opened? Then we can do something at night," he said as he licked his lips, making Mafu shudder, "Wh-What are you talking about!" Mafu blushed as he closed the door in front of Soraru's face and brushed off his thoughts, he slapped his face to regain his own self and decided to tidy up around and bring out his luggages,

He was still thinking about what Soraru said, his voice were still lingering in his mind,

'What if he...really comes in...'

The thought made Mafu blush, he shook his head,

He turned around to the door and saw a pice of wood plank, "I can lock it, too,"


A/N :

This is such a unimportant part of the story orz




See you!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now