[ Act 26 ]

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From : Lon

Well, I'll just tell this first
I'm on my way to your house! I just arrived, and I wanted to see your face first! So don't forget to open the door for me!

'She's coming here?!'

Soraru stood up rather violently, he rushed to the door of his bedroom and grabbed the doorknob, just when he's about to turn it, the door opened and made his tumbled, but Mafu was there to catch him,

"W-Woah! Wh-What happened?!" Mafu asked, helping Soraru to get up, "Y-You know...L-Lo...why are you dressed like this?" Soraru said after he had a full checking on Mafu's attire, which is really, really less than what he's supposed to be wearing,

Just a random big an loose t-shirt that he grabed from Soraru's wardrobe and his underpants, "W-Well, I...was naked when I got up, and I got lazy to put on some clothes?" Mafu said with a slight smile,

"Geez," Soraru smiled back and ruffled Mafu's hair, he gave him another sheepish smile,

Just then, he heard his bell ringing and some knockings on his door, that's when he remembered that a person told him that she was going to go there,

He panicked, "Hmm? Who's that, Soraru-san?" Mafu said, slightly tilting his head, "U-Umm..i-it's..j-just get into the bedroom for now! Just don't get out!" Soraru said as he lightly shoved Mafu into his room,

"Eh?! Wh-"

He shut the door closed, hoping Mafu to be able to comprehend his rather selfish request,

'I'm sorry,'

He thought and he took a deep breath, slowly taking his steps to the door, and peeked through the hole to see the blonde, he sighed, and opened the door,

The blonde brightened up at the sight of the raven-haired male, "Soraru-san!" She jumped a bit and hugged the man in front of her, she didn't let go until Soraru shoved her away, clicking his tongue,

Lon couldn't stop giggling, she was overjoyed, "Heehee, did you miss me?" She looked up cutely, "No," Soraru said shortly, wanting to end this meaningless reunion for him, "Eeeh?? Really?? Oh, now! You're really a tsundere!" She continued, covering her mouth while she giggled,

"I'm not a tsundere," Soraru rolled his eyes, sighing, "Yuuup! You're still the same! How can you not miss your super cute girlfriend!" Lon exclaimed and let herself in, comforting her seat in Soraru's couch,

"Who told you to come in? Get out," Soraru said, doing his best not to lose his temper, still opening the door widely to let Lon to get out and go away, "Eeeh? But I just got here!" Lon said with a cute smile, but that smile didn't work on Soraru, "I didn't evn invited you here, just go away," Soraru said, rising up his tone,

Lon looked at Soraru with sadness in her eyes, pure sadness.

"Why can't I be here? I want to stay with yo-"

"You can't."

Lon didn't said anything for some moments, just looking straight into Soraru's eyes as her thoughts started to mix, and she finally got the right question,

"Have you finally found the one?"

Soraru flinched a bit and his face went pale, "Seeing your reaction, I must be right," Lon sighed, looking down, "May I know who it is?" She asked, facing Soraru, "No," he answered shortly without a doubt,

He didn't want her to know because she'll might do something to Mafu, he was just scared of that, he knows Lon's personality, so it would be tough if she founds out about Soraru's and Mafu's relationship,

"Is it another utaite?"


"I know many girls,"


"Then...Is it...a guy?" She hesitated, but she said it anyway,

Instead of an answer, Soraru looked down, not opening his mouth, "Sorr-"

"Naaah, you don't have to answer it! I know you won't cheat!" Lon cuts in and smiled, not a full smile, unfortunately,

"Y-You should leave. Now." Soraru faced straight, speaking clearly, "Why would I? I just got back and missed you," Lon licked her lips, almost too erotic,


Mafu was sticking his ear to the door, hoping that he will be able to hear who came in and what are they're talking there,

'....the one?..'



He heard some faint noises, but he couldn't hear it clearly, he heard some loud noises, then it got quieter, and so quiet,

'What are they doing?...'

He tried to listen again, but he heard nothing,

'Wh-Who is it? What if it'a a girl?!...I have to go,'

He stood up straight and put some clothes on, it wasn't his clothes, it's Soraru's, but he didn't mind it and grabbed some random t-shirt and his own shorts and headed to the mirror, tidying up his bangs before he stood behind the door, he took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob,

He turned it slowly,


A/N :



See you next time!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now