[ Act 27 ]

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"Soraru-san..." Lon stood up, approaching Soraru slowly, "Wh-" Lon covered Soraru's mouth, making him unable to say another word, "You know...I'll always love you..no matter what you do..." Lon looked at Soraru, her eyes seems like it would tear up any second, she leaned closer, her breath tickling Soraru's neck, "So...let me ask you..do you love m-"


A voice could be heard from behind Lon, the holder of the voice was the albino boy, who's wearing really minimized clothes, Soraru widen his eyes and pushed Lon away, hiding his face, "Who...is he?" Lon gave the white-haired boy a quick glare and she looked back at Soraru again, "Soraru-san...what are you doing?" Mafu felt his eyes swell, tears bubbling inside, "M-Mafu- umm..." Soraru backed up, thinking of an excuse to make Mafu and Lon believe him, "Umm...uh...",

"Soraru-san, why is there another guy in your house?"

"Soraru-san, why is she here?"

The two attacked Soraru with floods of questions, Soraru's head almost went crazy just hearing them ask things,


"Sh-Shut up for a second! I'll explain!" Soraru said, almost shouting, Mafu and Lon were shut up after that, so Soraru told them to go sit in the sofa while he's explaining, the two had been exchanging short glares but they were obeying Soraru,

Mafu and Lon sat in the couch, keeping their distance and suspiciousness, "So, please explain." Lon made her words as clear as a sunny day, while she gave Mafu another glare, "Yes, this needs some explanations." Mafu said, returning the glare, "Okay, okay, can you two just stop doing that?" He sighed,

"Umm...so, Mafu, this is Lon, one of my singing partner back there, she was living aboard, but she's here, and I don't know why she is."

"Well! That's because I miss MY Soraru-san!" Lon crossed her arms proudly, "Huh?! YOUR Soraru-san?! What are you talking about?! He's--"

"And Lon, this is Mafu, my another singing partner," Soraru spoke louder to cut Mafu's words, "Uh-huh, so he's your singing partner, so why is he here wearing YOUR t-shirt and his u-und- umm...sh-shorts!" Lon blushed a bit at her own words, she can't believe what she was looking at, a boy, at Soraru's house, wearing Soraru's shirt and shorts, messy hair like he just woke up,

"Has he been sleeping here?!" Lon banged her hands on the table in front of the couch, startling Soraru, "Well...umm--" , "Because I am his lover!" Mafu said it loudly and clear, but Lon chuckled and laughed after that, "Lover? Are you kidding me? Soraru-san is not into guys, you know? Haha!" Lon laughed, "But I am his lover! Right? Sora-", Soraru covered Mafu's mouth, "Shut it," Soraru shot him a glare, and that made Mafu's heart collapse into pieces,

"Lon, please go home now," Soraru asked, "Eeeh...why would I!!! I told you that many times already!" Lon replied childishly, "Please?" Soraru asked once again, holding his thought to just shove her out the door, Lon grunted a bit and sighed, "Why are you so desperate anyways? Don't we used to spend our time like this?" She said, "What do you me--" Mafu's mouth who escaped from Soraru's hands now was once again covered,

"Just go," Soraru said, "Or else, I'll-"

"Okay, okay! I'll go! Hmph! Don't you dare tell them!" Lon huffed and stepped closer to the door, grabbing her coat and fake glasses, opening the door slightly, but she stopped, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Lon turned her back and walked to Soraru again,

"Wh-What?" He asked as he let go of his Mafu's face and started to take some steps back, "Nothing," Lon got closer to his face, "Why are you-", "Just a kiss," Lon smiled sweetly before she kissed Soraru's forehead and walked happily to the door, "Then, see you next time!" She opened the door and smiled to Soraru, giving another short glare to Mafu and mouthed, 'serves you right' to his face with a super annoying face that made Mafu grit his teeth,

She closed the door and the atmosphere around them was too heavy to break, Soraru glanced at Mafu who was lowering his head and letting out a few sighs, "M-Mafu-"

"What was that?"


"Why is she here?"

"Hmm? I-I told you that I don't-"

"Why did you let her kiss you?"

"I didn't know that she would-"


Mafu looked to Soraru, tears dripping down his cheeks to the couch, Soraru hurriedly walked to him, "Wh- stop crying! I-I'm sorry, okay?" Soraru wiped his tears off, but it kept flowing away, "Wh-Why?" Mafu's voice trembled as he tried to stop sobbing, but he can't,

"I-I'm sorry! I promise I won't let her kiss me again!" Soraru panicked for a bit, he tried to say his apologies several times, but he kept crying, so he decided to do this,

Soraru took a deep breath and kissed Mafu on his lips, he inserted his tongue in and let it slip with each other,

And he finally let go,

"I'm sorry, okay?"


A/N :


yes, i'm crazy

See you next time!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें