[ Act 19 ]

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"We arrrived~!" Mafu shouted as he stepped out of the train, they four got out in their sleepy eyes except for Mafu and Amatsuki, they both got themselves a good sleep in the train, as for, Soraru and Kashitaro, they both stayed up to protect their baggages,

Soraru yawned as clung to Mafu, 'I'm sleepy...' He thought, Mafu just smiled and patted Soraru's head, "Should we go to the inn first?" Mafu suggested to Amatsuki, "Yeah, we should; Just look at this sleepyheads," Amatsuki chuckled a bit, "Okay, then," Mafu called a taxi and them four got in,

It's now reversed, Soraru and Kashitaro were sleeping, while Mafu and Amatsuki stayed awake, they weren't sleepy anymore,

Soon, they arrived at the inn and organized their things, though Mafu and Amatsuki let Soraru and Kashitaro sleep, they had fun preparing too,

It was evening when they finished, they four changed into yukatas and took a bath in the Onsen, Mafu was totally like a kid back then, he jumped his way in and protested that the water is way too hot, no, it was only his thought, the others felt fine, he wasn't bothering anyone, because they were the only ones in the tub,

Mafu sat beside Soraru, and Amatsuki sat beside Kashitaro, all being relaxed, "This is so nice..." Mafu sighed, "Hmm.." Soraru just hummed, but obviously, he loved it too, "Let's go again sometimes!" Amatsuki suggested, "Agreed!" Mafu bolted up, making the water splashed to Amatsuki's way, and it did,

"Uwaah! It's hot!" Amatsuki rubbed his face, "Ah, uh, i'm sorr- uwaah!" Mafu got sprayed too, "Take this!" Amatsuki sprayed more water, "Ow! Ow! It's hot!" Mafu laughed, they sprayed water to each other for a while, before Soraru scolded them both, and returned to their spots,

"You're such a kid," Soraru pinched Mafu's nose, "I'm not!" Mafu shoved his hands away, he responded with a soft chuckle, Mafu was about to protest before he sensed something is glaring daggers at them, hr slowly turned his head, just to see Amatsuki with his gritted teeth,

"Wh- What's wrong, Amatsuki-kun?" Mafu sai as he stepped away from Soraru, Amatsuki looked away, "Nothing, just kinda jealous," Amatsuki said quietly, "Jealous? Why?" Mafu approached him, "N-Nothing, forget what i just said," Amatsuki faced Mafu and smiled,

"Oh!" Mafu clapped his hand, proving that he got Amatsuki's idea, "Now I get it! Umm..so, should me and Soraru-san leave?" Mafu covered his mouth, hiding his smile, "No! Don't leave me!" Amatsuki hugged Mafu's bare skin,

"Huuuh? Didn't you gave me a hint?" Mafu laughed amusedly, "From now on, i'm not your friend anymore," Amatsuki let go and crossed his hands, now, it's Mafu's turn to get flustered, "Eeeh? I'm sorry, i'm sorry!" Mafu wailed at him, "Just kidding, don't you dare make fun of me anymore," Amatsuki patted Mafu's head,

Meanwhile, the other two was sitting in silence, completely ignoring Mafu and Amatsuki, just relaxing the bath and viewing their surroundings, but though, Soraru's beautiful view was utterly blocked by Mafu's hands covering his eyes, making him a bit irked, but he did nothing in response,

"You've been ignoring me for such a long time," Mafu said, with his hamds staying still, "The view is great, i don't want to waste this opportunity just to look at some idiots playing with each other, furthermore, i think it's better if we leave, i want to get to bed soon and do yo-" Soraru who was being unexpectedly chatty for a while was cut by Mafu covering his mouth, "D-Don't say anymore!" Soraru finally can open his eyes, he glanced at the blushing red as a fresh-picked tomato behind him, "Hmm," Soraru hummed,

Mafu felt ticklish that point, he shivered a little, and of course, Soraru realized it, Soraru tried to give a smirk behind Mafu's hand, and he tried to open his mouth and brought his tongue out to lick Mafu's palm,

Mafu immediately let go, "Wh- What?!" Mafu, "Finally you let me go," Soraru sighed, Mafu pouted and sat next to Soraru, Soraru approached Mafu, wanting a kiss, but Mafu shoved him away, "Wait! Amatsuki-kun just got mad at me because we was too lovey-dovey!" Mafu explained,

"Oh, really? But look at that couple beside you," Soraru looked at Kashitaro and Amatsuki, both cuddling with each other, "Ugh," Mafu swallowed his saliva,

"L- L- Let's get out of here already! It began to sting my skin!" Mafu stood up and sprayed himself with a bucket of water, making Amatsuki shoved Kashitaro away, "Th- That's true! It's already late anyway!" Amatsuki stood up as well,

"Nice job," Soraru put his thumb up, "Thank you," Kashitaro smiled back,


They packed up their things as they paced up their work, it was time to leave, they slept so late last night because they played cards until it was nearly dawn, but they decided to sleep, remembering that they have to wake up early for tomorrow to ride the train back to Tokyo,

The four of them fell asleep in the train, maybe it's their fault for staying up so late, there's no one to blame,

Soraru was the first one to wake up, he tried to wake everyone up, the plan succeeded except for Mafu, he tried to poke him, shake him, tickle him, shout in his ears, but the other one didn't respond at all, so he tried to take a picture as a memory, but still Mafu didn't even move a little in his slumber with a blanket covering his face and all, he really prepared well,

"Mafu-kun is so hard to be waken up!" Amatsuki poked Mafu's arm, "Yeah...Oh, maybe I know how to wake him up," Soraru said and he rustled Mafu's pocket and grabbed his phone, he unlocked it and searched his voice recorder, he played on of the audio,

It was an audio from a certain Gochiusa scene,

Mafu's eyes opened in shock, so as Amatsuki and Kashitaro, as for Soraru, he grabbed Mafu's hand and opened it, he put his phone on Mafu's palm,

"Why would you let me hear my emergency audio?!" Mafu grabbed his phone back, "I thought you were dead," Soraru said with his never changing expression, "Huuh...So Mafu-kun can be woken up like that..interesting," Amatsuki gave a mischievous grin,

"It's supposed to be a secret," Mafu pouted and glanced at Soraru who's enjoying his snack, Amatsuki laughed a bit that time,

It's going to be a good trip home.


A/N :

It's such a slow update i'm so sorry,


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