[ Act 17 ]

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Mafu playfully stroked Soraru's hair, he played with it, but quietly, so thr male won't wake up, he almost chuckled but he restrained himself from laughing, or else he'll be in danger for tonight,

But he was so bored,

"Soraru-san..." Mafu whispered, but there were no response, he triend several times again, but still nothing, 'Oh well, i'll just give up,' he thought and he laid back again, he wanted to sleep again, before he heard his door bell ringing,

Ding-dong, ding-dong

Mafu was utterly pissed, like he wanted to break down the person who interrupted his sweet time with Soraru, he tried to ignore it, but the doorbell won't stop ringing, he gritted his teeth and groaned, he just wanted that person to stop ringing his doorbell,

He got up an slowly walked to the door, slightly glancing at Soraru who is still not moving from his sleep, he smiled and left the room, he opened his door while scratching his head, "Who is it..." Mafu squinted his eyes and looked upwards, it was Luz again,

Luz's eyes were in shock, it grew wide, "H-Hello, Mafu-kun, am I bothering you now?" Luz asked, sounding frantic, "Totally," Mafu glared at Luz, making him jump, "U-Uh..I-I'm sorry!" Luz bowed a little to him, "Uwaah! I-I'm just kidding! Just kidding!" Mafu patted Luz's back and made him stand straight,

"Uh..anyway, do you want to come in? It's so uncomfortable outside," Mafu smiled as he looked around and noticed that there were several eyes staring at them, "O-Okay," Luz answered awkwardly,

Luz stepped inside, and sat in Mafu's couch, while Mafu closed the door and asked, "Do you want something to drink?" with a lazy tone, "Sure, tea would be nice," Luz smiled and decided to calm himself, Mafu smiled back and responded with a 'ok' sign on his hand added with a wink, then he went to te kitchen, leaving Luz alone,

Luz sat tensely there, he was not usually like this, he's one of Mafu's close friend, why would he act like this?

Soon, Mafu came back from the kitchen and put Luz's glass in front of him and sat across him, "Thank you," Luz said with a formal speech, making Mafu really uncomfortable, "Hey, why are you like this?"

"L-Like what?"

"Your speech,"

"My speech?!"

"And you're fidgeting so hard,"

"Oh! R-Really?"

"Are you that nervous talking with me?"

"No, it's just...umm..."

Mafu tilted his head, he thought that maybe Luz wants a serious talk, based on his face, "Is it serious?" Mafu asked, just to confirm, "I guess so," Luz looked down, making Mafu more serious than before, "It's okay, you can tell me," Mafu offered a smile and grabbed Luz's hand, Luz flinched after that, and removed Mafu's hand from his, that actually made Mafu more, more confused,

"I-It's about yesterday,"


"I'm sorry I ran out like that,"

"No, it's fine, it's my and Amatsuki-kun's fault for asking you such questions, every people have secrets too, you know?"

"Yeah, but...i want you to know the truth,"

"You can tell me everything,"

Luz hesitated for a moment, he thought deeper and decided to blurt it out,

"The one I like is actually..."



Mafu's eyes grew wide after hearing that, he blushed and moved backwards, while gaping his mouth, "W-Wh-Who? Did i just misheard you?" Mafu asked, "I...like you," Luz lifted his head, "B-But...I'm.." Mafu looked at his room's door, which is slightly open,

"I know you're dating Soraru-san, and I know that you love him, so...I'll give up on my feelings, I just wanted to set things right, that's why I told you," Luz smiled as he explained, leaving Mafu gaping with thoughts,

"I-I'm sorry," Mafu unconsciously apologized, "No, no! I don't want to break your relationship, and it's my fault for being a coward all this time," Luz finished his tea, and he stood up, "Now that my business is done, I'll go home," Luz smiled,

"You're going already?"

"I...have to let go of everything, I need time for myself, I want this feeling for you to be gone, I have to make it disappear," Luz opened Mafu's door, and Mafu tailed beside him, "Sorry," Mafu apologized again,

"Hey, can I ask you for a favor? Just this last time, please? For me?" Luz asked, his eyes were teary, "Sure! Anything you want!" Mafu smiled, "Thank you," Luz approached Mafu and gave him a kiss on his cheek, "Then I'll be going now, bye!" Luz waved as he stepped outside Mafu's house, leaving Mafu blushing alone,

Mafu closed the door and sighed heavily, 'H-He kissed me?!', Mafu shook his head to clear his mind and strolled to his room while keeping his head looking downwards, he bumped to something eventually, he looked what he bumped, and it was Soraru, with his hand crossed in front of his chest, glaring at Mafu,

Mafu stepped back, "S-S-Soraru-san! U-Umm...L-Luz-kun visited me," Mafu smiled as cold sweat dripping from hi head, "I know, I heard you guys, I saw you guys," Soraru said angrily, making Mafu flinch, "I-I'm sorry," Mafu hugged Soraru, and he became soothed and he let go of his anger,

"No, I get his feelings," Soraru smiled, "But really, I can't believe his kissed you," Soraru became ticked off again, "S-Sorry, I-"

"Just how defenseless you are," Soraru sighed as he cut Mafu's words, "Sorry!" Mafu apologized may times,

"Where did he kissed you?"

"My...left cheek,"

"Your left cheek? Then I have to cleanse it,"

"Eh? What? What do you mean by cleansing?!"

"Like this," Soraru kissed Mafu's left cheek and licked it afterwards, making Mafu shiver, "Wh- I-I don't need to be cleansed!" Mafu whined and he wiped his cheek,

"You do. And, there's many more places left for me to cleanse, isn't it?" Soraru smirked as he approached Mafu and lifted him up, he laid Mafu on the bed,

"Now then,"


A/N :

You know what's coming next, and...

C u in the next part!

( ' ▽ ' )ノ

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now