[ Act 9 ]

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"Do i really have to put this on?!' Mafu shrieked,

-----flashback ends-----

"Aaah! Why would Amatsuki-kun dared me this?!" Mafu scanned the skirt that he was holding, and it was a mini skirt with laces underneath, but it actually piqued his interest, "I-I'm just gonna try to put it on..." Mafu walked near to the standing mirror, actually having second thought before he decided to put it on anyways,

He slid the skirt on, with his pants still on him, he checked his appearance, 'I guess i should my pants off, huh?' Mafu thought, tugging his pants as he pulled his pants off, then he looked at the mirror again, the skirt was only covering half of his thigh, so his boxers were showing, he didn't really like the sight, 'the boxers too?' He thought, blushing, 'here goes nothing!' Mafu tugged his boxers off, leaving him only wearing undies with a skirt covering it,

'Ugh...this feels uncomfortable...' Mafu blushed as he twirled and checked his sides, 'I wonder what will Soraru-san think about this...' Mafu lifted his skirt a bit, almost seeing his undies, but suddenly,

clack, clack

He doorknob shaking, and Soraru started calling for Mafu outside, "Mafu, are you there? Why is the door locked?" Soraru asked as he knocked the door from outside, Mafu became frantic and started tidying up his discarded clothes, and remembering that he was wearing a skirt, he wanted to take it off and put his pants back, but his second thought gave him the idea to let Soraru see him in his skirt,

He snapped out of his daydream after Soraru kicked the door, "Oi, Mafu! Don't joke with me! Are you there?" Soraru's voice became worried, and Mafu chose to reply him, "Y-Yes! Soraru-san, i'm here!" Mafu approached the door, still don't want to open it yet, he was still uncertain,

"Why didn't you answer sooner? Are you okay in there? Open up!" Soraru touched the door, there was a little pause after Soraru said that, "I-I'm fine, but...i don't think i could open this door..." Mafu looked at the mirror, "Why not? Are you locked inside?" Soraru asked again, with his voice trembling now, "I'm not locked in, i just..." A slight pause was made, Mafu was waiting for Soraru to respond, but he heard nothing from the other side of the door,

So he called for him, "Soraru-san?" and still no response, Mafu became so worried, enough to open the door, "Soraru-san are you o-" Mafu opened the door harshly, looking at the dumbfounded Soraru who is glancing low at Mafu, and then Mafu just realized that he was still wearing the skirt,

"Wh- what are you..." Soraru gaped, Mafu tried his best to cover his legs, "N-No! Th-this is...umm..." Mafu slid down, "Uhh...so this is the reason you can't come out?" Soraru asked interrogatively, "I-I'm sorry..." Mafu looked down, "Why won't you respond earlier? Why just now?" Soraru asked worriedly, "W-Well, i got no response from you so i thought that you're sick or something..." Mafu looked at Soraru sweetly,

"Well, i was preparing to kick the door open, and i took several steps backwards, maybe i didn't hear it," Soraru explained, "Y-You were planning to bust the door open?!" Mafu said in a high tone, "Well, i'm worried..." Soraru scratched the back of his head as Mafu flushed,

"A-Anyway, what with this get-up?" Soraru pointed, "Th-This is...umm..." Mafu hesitated, "You can just tell me you know?" Soraru said,


"Just tell me."

"It's a...d..." Mafu muffled his voice at the end,

"Speak properly."

"It's a...d-dare..."

"A dare?! From who? When? Why would a person except me dare you this?!" Soraru gave Mafu a flood of questions, making Mafu felt cornered, "A-Amatsuki-kun..." Mafu answered slowly, "Amatsuki?! I'll make him pay for this!" Soraru rustled his pocket to take out his phone,

"Wh- No! You don't have to! I-i accepted his challenge, so...if you tell him that i don't like it, i feel like i've given up on his challenge and he'll tease me forever!" Mafu explained, ended with a pant, Soraru looked surprised, but then he smiled,

"Well...if you say so--" Soraru put his phone on his pocket again, Mafu sighed in relief, "--then you must be prepared of what will happen to you tonight," Soraru grinned evilly, "Ugh! Wh- b-but i just have to take a picture of me wearing this and send it to Amatsuki! That's the dare!" Mafu searched for an excuse,

"No way, i won't let you go tonight..." Soraru smiled as he walked to Mafu and lifted him up, "U-Uwaah! L-let me go!" Mafu squirmed, "Nope. No way, i won't," Soraru said firmly, "Uuugh..." Mafu continued squirming but they had reached the bed faster than what Mafu had predicted,

Soraru laid Mafu down, with both of his hand covering his thighs,

"Now then, shall we eat?" Soraru said with a pleasant smile,


A/N :

Ahahah, you know what's going to happen in the next chapter...

*wiggles eyesbrows*

See you then!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now