[ Act 15 ]

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"Mind explaining?" Luz sat across Soraru and Mafu, "U-Uhh..." Mafu groaned and looked away,

Now the three of them were assembled at Mafu's house, because it's close to Luz's house, and also Soraru's house, they talked normally before they got there, but after Luz got in, his atmosphere changed, he made an uncomfortable face after all,

Mafu tugged Soraru's sleeve, sending a message through telepathy, he stared at him, and gave a little nod, and smiled,

"Umm...Luz-kun, y-you know, m-me and Soraru-san are dating," Mafu looked downwards, hiding his embarrassed face, Luz stared at Mafu, then Soraru, and back to Mafu, and he sighed, "So what i've seen isn't wrong, huh?" Luz gave a bitter smile, "A-Are you disgusted of me now?" Mafu asked, making Soraru flinch beside him, like he wanted to cheer the man beside him, and hug him and take him to bed,

"No! Of course i won't be disgusted of you, Mafu-kun!" Luz became frantic for a while, "...i think i'm just kind of...shocked?" He continued, "S-Sorry i didn't tell you before.." Mafu apologized, "You won't tell anyone, right?" Soraru furrowed his eyebrows,

"I won't," Luz said calmly, "And by the way, is there anyone else who knows about this?" Luz asked, "Umm...Amatsuki-kun and Kashitaro-san," Mafu lifted his head, "And what were their responses?" Luz asked as if he's interrogating them, "H-He...uh..accepted the fact?" Mafu thought that he shouldn't tell Luz about Amatsuki's and Kashitaro's relationship yet,

"Hmm...is that so," Luz looked down as the atmosphere got quiet,

"I-I guess i'll go home now, thank you for telling me about this, and i promise i won't let anybody know!" Luz said with a smile and slowly approached Mafu's door and waved a little before he closed the door, Mafu waved back but he didn't think that Luz would see him, so he sighed, feeling a little bit teary,

He sniffed,

"Huh?! Why are you crying?!" Soraru tilted Mafu's head to him and wiped his tears, "Geez, why are you always crying at times like these..." Soraru chuckled, "B-B-Be...cause," Mafu said between sobs, Soraru smiled and hugged him, "It's not your fault, okay? I kissed you back there, so it's my fault," Soraru ruffled Mafu's hair,

Mafu felt comfortable and let Soraru cheered him up, "Thank you,"


"Amatsuki-kun, here, here!" Mafu waved at the sight of his friend, as he waved back in response, Mafu saw a shadow tailing behind his friend, he squinted his eyes as he tried to focus his vision, he saw a tall figure, and it must be a guy,

Amatsuki came closer as the shadow cleared, it was Luz.

Actually, Mafu was a bit awkward to see Luz now, even though he trusted his friend to keep his secret, he just don't feel comfortable about telling others his relationship,

"Mafu-kun! Sorry for waiting..and I brought Luz-kun too!" Amatsuki sat beside Mafu, and Luz sat across Mafu, "No, it's okay!" Mafu smiled to both of them, Luz responded with a weak, awkward smile, as Mafu thought he was as awkward as him,

"Hey, hey! What did you call me for, again?" Mafu faced Amatsuki, "Oh, nah...I just want to hang out with you, and then I met Luz on my way here! His face is so gloomy so i brought him here," Amatsuki explained, "Oh, so your reason is just to 'hang out' with me?" Mafu said with an almost mocking tone, "Well, you did call me for these reasons too, though," Amatsuki frowned,

"Just kidding!" Mafu laughed, "What should we do anyways, i'm bored already," Mafu continued as he slurped his tea, "I don't know, a game?" Amatsuki suggested, "Let's go to my house!" Mafu pointed out, "...oh, wait, i guess we shouldn't..." Mafu looked down, "Oho~ is it because that So-" Amatsuki covered his mouth, glancing at Luz who is still enjoying his drink, "It's okay, Amatsuki-kun, i told him already," Mafu smiled,

"You told him?!" Amatsuki slammed his head on the table, "I-Is that true, Luz-kun?" Amatsuki glared at Luz, "Yeah, Mafu-kun told me yesterday, i found him kissing with Soraru-san in the train! Could you believe that?!" Luz got more livelier after that,

"In the train?! Seriously?! Mafu-kun, i know that you really love him, but please mind your surroundings!" Amatsuki scolded, "I-It wasn't me who did it! Soraru-san kissed me first!" Mafu blushed faintly, "Hmm, uh-huh, are you done bragging?" Amatsuki said with a pissed face, "Like I said!" Mafu pouted, "But, still! In the train?!" Amatsuki shouted,

"Aaah! Shh! Shh! Keep your voices down!" Luz put his finger in front of his mouth and started scolding the two in front of him, "Ah, sorry.." Amatsuki settled down, calming himself, so as Mafu,

"Can we just talk in peace?" Luz sighed, "Sorry..." Mafu looked down, "A-Anyway! Let's do a game! Game! It'll cheer us up!" Amatsuki smiled, "What game?" Luz asked, "Uhh...truth or dare?" Amatsuki said, "Amatsuki-kun...you really like truth or dares lately, huh..." Mafu sighed, "Well, what else could we play after all? Here, let's begin, first, we'll have to play rock-paper-scissors, Luz-kun!" Amatsuki placed his arm on top of the table, "Oh, okay," Luz added,

"Okay, rock-paper-scissors!"


A/N :


I'll do my best to update fast...

_φ( ̄ー ̄ )
And btw, this is part 20 if the book! Yaay! I've never wrote a book this long, lol


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