[ Act 7 ]

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"Soraru-san, get up!!!" Mafu poked his boyfriend on the cheek, but he did none for response, "Soraru-saaaan!" Mafu started shaking the male's body, to make him let go of his tight grip on the other's body, "Let go of meeee!" Mafu struggled away, trying to remove Soraru's arms lingering on his waist, "5 more...minutes..." Soraru burried himself on Mafu's back, making Mafu felt ticklish,

"Hahah, it tickles, Soraru-san!" Mafu shook away Soraru's head, and it piqued Soraru's interest, "Oh? You're ticklish here?" Soraru poked Mafu's back, "Uwaah! Ahahahah!" Mafu struggled away, bit Soraru haven't lost his tight grip,

Soraru slowly lifted Mafu's clothes, making Mafu let out a silent gasp, "Wha- What are you..." Mafu lifted his head, Soraru caressed some marks that he left on Mafu last night, "It became so red...will it hurt?" Soraru traced one of the marks onto the other one, "Hn- it did hurt!" Mafu pulled down his clothes, "Oh, so that's why you're sensitive today?" Soraru chuckled, sitting up, "I guess..." Mafu replied with a slightly red face,

"Hmm..." Soraru got up and stretched, Mafu stood up as well, tidying up his hair and walked to the door, "Let's eat breakfast, Soraru-san!" Mafu said with a cute, sleepy smile, "Yeah..." Soraru smiled back, approaching Mafu and stroked his hair,

On the dining table~

"Soraru-san, do you have work today?" Mafu asked as he took a spoon of his curry rice, "Nyo, whaiy?" Soraru answered with his full mouth, making Mafu's munching mouth to a frown, but he ignored it, "Nothing...just wanted to confirm..." Mafu took a sip of his water, "Do you have anything you want to do today? It'll be a boring day after all..." Soraru sighed in boredom,

"Umm, then...want to continue what we're doing yesterday?" Mafu suggested, pointing his index finger up, "Want to get to the bed now?" Soraru said invitingly, "Wha- No! Not that! I meant the game! Truth or dare!" Mafu blushed as he spoke, "Oh really? Or do you want to get yourself punished like yesterday?" Soraru asked cunningly, "Like i said..." Mafu hid his face,

"Just kidding, here we go, rock paper scissors!" Soraru gave a rock gesture, and then he glanced at Mafu who gave a paper gesture, Soraru turned pale afterwards, Mafu chuckled a bit, "Ahahah....i'll make you regret your yesterday's behavior!" Mafu grinned evilly, "Ugh..." Soraru groaned on response,

"Soraru-san, truth or dare!" Mafu snuggled beside Soraru, making the the navy boy uncomfortable, "Umm...d-dare?" Soraru stuttered, he would choose 'truth' if he can, but he knew that Mafu would be mocking him if he chose that, well, it's his fault in the first place because he made Mafu chose dare before, so he couldn't chose the other one,

"Hehe, you fell right into my trap!" Mafu exclaimed loudly, putting his hands on his waist, 'Like i could choose truth...' Soraru thought while he sighed deeply, "Okay, then! Umm, let me think..." Mafu turned his back from Soraru for a while, then he stood, "I know!" Mafu smiled brightly,

'What now...' Soraru thought, "Soraru-san, say 'nyaa'!" Mafu said while posing like a cat, "What?! L-like the cat's?" Soraru said in disbelief, "Yep, that one!" Mafu smiled, "No way! It's ridiculous!" Soraru backed up, "Eeh? You did it when we sang Super Nuko World, right?!" Mafu cornered Soraru with his words,

"Y-Yeah, but..."

"But what, Soraru-san!"

"Don't you feel that it's embarrassing?!" Soraru covered his face,

"Eh? You're embarrassed about that and you're okay with doing me?!" Mafu slammed his hands on the table, "I-It's two different things!" Soraru raised his voice, making Mafu flinch at his words, "B-But! It's a dare!" Mafu smiled confidently, "Ugh..." Soraru became cornered again,

"Oh, come on, Soraru-san! It's only a 'nyaa'!" Mafu winked at Soraru, "...F-Fine..." Soraru showed a slight flush of red on his cheeks,

"Soraru-san are you blushing?!" Mafu couldn't believe it, he haven't seen Soraru's face like that, an he thought he was kind of cute there, so he hugged him, "I didn't know you could blush..." Mafu snuggled himself, "I-I didn't blush! It's just...uhh..." Soraru tried to find an excuse, but Mafu put one of his fingers on Soraru's mouth and shushed him, Mafu smiled at him,

He let go of his hug, "Just do the dare," Mafu said, expecting a good result, "Fine, fine..." Soraru took a deep breath,

"N-Nyaa..." Soraru said clearly, so Mafu won't ask him to repeat it, Mafu's eyes sparkled right at the moment, with his mouth gaping, like he wanted to say something bit he couldn't say anything, "Done, that's fine, right?" Soraru slumped his back to his chair,

"P-p..." Mafu reached his hands to Soraru, "What?" Soraru looked confused, "Please do it again!" Mafu shrieked as he squealed at his boyfriend, he hugged Soaru and snuggled his head onto Soraru's chest, "What?! No! No way!" Soraru pulled back,



"Oh, come on..." Mafu pleaded, "No way!" Soraru struggled away, and he succeed eventually, "Fine...i won't force you..." Mafu smiled as he pulled back, as Soraru let out a relieved sigh, "But you were so cuuute..." Mafu clasp his hands, feeling like lifting away to the clouds, "What do you mean cute? I'm not trying to be cute.." Soraru lifted one of his eyebrow,

"Yeah, yeah..." Mafu rested his head on Soraru's shoulder, Soraru chickled a bit, he pinched Mafu's nose, making him groan in pain, "Uuugh...wah are yu doingh..." Mafu tried to remove his hands, Soraru let go, "See?" Soraru tilted his head slightly, "See what?" Mafu patted his throbbing nose,

"You're the cute one,"


Soraru gave the other one a peck in his lips, "I love you..." Soraru whispered, and he stood up and left Mafu alone blushing by himself, he covered his face with his hands, and he whispered,

"I love you too, baka-raru..."

A/N :
I have a question, and that is...

Should i continue this fanfiction? Well, because i'm running out of ideas for this theme sooo....

I don't know anymore,

To be continued (?)

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now