Chapter 13

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Skylar grinned as he flew away, flying back to the heavens where his father stayed. As he touched down, he thought of the young demon, Diablo was his name. 'Handsome guy.' he thought, before shaking his head at the thought. As he walked though, a plan came to him, a plan that would make his father proud. He walked into the Angels Army Division Academy(AADA), where his father was making plans. His father looked up at him as he walked in. "Did you kill Marcos? Did you kill that even son of a gun?" "No, I didn't. But..I do have something better." Christoff glared at him. "And what could that possibly be? What could possibly be better than the General himself?" "His son. There was talk that he's some sort of weapin Diablo was his name. I ran into him while I was down there. Maybe I could get his trust, get my way into their fortress, and slit the general's throat at my chance, along with his son." Christoff's eyes widened. "And how on God's green Earth do you expect to do that?" Without saying anything, Skylar looked to his father, a smirk on his face. "I knew I raised a warrior." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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