Chapter 11

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"You're one day away from defending our whole cause, son." Christoff said, smirking as he looked at the young man. Skylar had his back turned to him, his head down. "Is this really going to be the biggest war we're having?" He asked, his body tense. "It'll be one of the most impacting, yes. This will be a great win for the Angels and you know that." Christoff responded, standing in front of his son. "But.." Skylar trailed off. "But what, son? Speak up. I taught you better than to mumble and keep secrets." Skylar said nothing, before looking up at the older man. "What if..What if the Demons win?" The question was barely uttered out his mouth, as his father's hand connected with his cheek, making a loud smack. He gasped and put his hand on his cheek. "How dare you say something like that?!" Christoff yelled in his face. "No son of mine will utter such atrocities!" The young man looked down in shame, not connecting eyes with his father. "I'm sorry.." "You better damn right be, you idiot!" The young man straightened up, his head still down. "What..What are my orders for tomorrow, sir?" "Why, that's easy. You're going to exterminate the great Demon General Marcos."

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