Chapter 6 - In Which Torture Devices = Fashion Statement

Start from the beginning

"It's difficult to say." She replies.

"I'm told it's the latest fashion in London."

"Well, women in London must've learned not to breathe."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I come out from behind the dressing screens the maid, chasing after me to finish tying up the corseted back of my dress.

I look behind Lizzie's screen and find her being stuffed into a large belt-like device.

"What is that!?" I ask with exaggerated shock.

"It is called a corset." Elizabeth says. "It is apparently the latest fashion."

"What's fashionable about suffocating yourself?"

Lizzie giggles, "It makes you skinnier." She turns to the side, showing me her profile.

"I'd rather be fat and alive." I tell her, eyeing the corset warily.

Lizzie leans in and I follow suit.

"So would I." She whispers quietly, and gestures to where Father had stood.

I look at her strangely for a minute but then quickly understand that she doesn't want to offend Father.

"Don't worry," I tell her, "Father left with the butler."

Lizzie sighs with relief and we take our places in front of our vanities, letting the maids brush and style our hair.

I smile giddily as Millie starts creating an up do with my hair.  Now that I am of age, up do's will probably accompany all my outfits.

After the Millie finishes clipping a small sun hat on my head and a cap on Lizzie's, we slip on our shoes, and grab fans. We then quickly make our way down to the entrance, where we find Father speaking with the blacksmith.

"Girls, you look absolutely stunning." Father says looking up the stairs.

"Will!" Elizabeth cries smiling, quickening her pace and stopping right in front of the blacksmith, her entire face gleaming.

I just look down at him, my eyes thin as slits. What was he doing here? Then I notice the sword box lying on the small table at the bottom of the stairs. I sigh, slightly annoyed, and take my place beside my father.

 "Will! It's so good to see you." Lizzie says, with a smile gracing her face. "I had a dream about you last night."

"Yes, well, is that entirely proper for you to?" Father protests, looking unsettled and a little awkward.

"About me?" Will says, slightly uncomfortable under Father's watchful eyes.

"About the day we met, do you remember?" Lizzie says, ignoring Father's obvious disapproval.

"How could I forget, Miss Swann?"

"Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?" Elizabeth responds softly, her smile softening.

Will hesitates, as if battling with himself between the proper thing to say and the thing he wants to say.

"At least once more, Miss Swann, as always." Will finally says, respectfully.

"There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. Now, we really must be going." Father says, relieved at Wills, reply which had been less familiar than expected.

"There you are." Father says lightly, handing Lizzie and I our parasols, his mood suddenly improving.

"Good day, Mr. Turner." Lizzie says, her eyes narrowing and her voice laced with ice, noticeably disappointed and slightly angry at Will's, polite, distant answer.

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