~ Ch.6 ~

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This chapter may be somewhat slow or boring. Please excuse mistakes because like I said this whole story is unedited. Enjoy this chapter. Make sure to vote and comment. Maybe my writing has gone to complete shit but i guess if you all enjoy this chapter then I have done something good. :)

Jamie's POV

"So class I want you to read up on the book and complete problems one through thirty,"the teacher said lifting up the textbook as kids groaned. I hate math but if I need it to get the hell out of school then I will do it. After packing everything in my bag I made my way to the cafeteria to find Maya.

As I walked inside girls were already sitting at their tables. Some people stared at me. I guess it's because my encounters with the cool kids. There is nothing cool about them. They just walk in here like they are all tough but they are not. I am not going to lie,Kora does scare me....it's because she could probably end me with one punch. The others seem like they wouldn't. I ignored the points and stares I was getting and went to go get my lunch. Yum...today's menu is sloppy freaking joes. Just great. Note the sarcasm. I grabbed my lunch and a bottle of water then sit down at an empty table.

Time began to go by since I have been here waiting for Maya. I am not going to touch the sloppy joe sandwich because even though I only poked it once oil and some weird substance came out of it. Gross. I took another sip of water as I looked around the cafeteria for Maya but still....she was nowhere to be seen. I got up to throw my lunch away in the trash can and leave when Maya burst through the doors out of breath. People stared at her as she scanned her eyes all over the cafeteria. Her eyes were widened in panic before they landed on me then she seemed to calm down.

"There you are,"she said walking up to me while I was still next to the trash can.

"Yes...here I am,"I replied back while letting my lunch go in the trash. My backpack strap began to fall from my shoulders so I lifted it back up before moving my gaze somewhere else.

"So are you ready to leave,"she asked.

"Don't you still have two more classes left,"I asked with a raised eyebrow. Maya just shrugged her shoulders while mumbling out a small "eh".

"I don't need em' for my future anyways. So let's go,"she said before walking over to leave school through the back door of the cafeteria. I started speed walking to catch up to her.

"How are we even going to get to your house,"I asked as we were speed walking. My legs began to burn from trying to keep with her. She was going to fast. The un-normal kind.

"Me,"a voice said as a car pulled up as we saw Mark. He had a smirk on his face which I wanted to wipe off. He really bugs me.

"We are getting a ride from Mark,"I asked in disbelief to Maya who would even accept a ride from this guy. From what it seemed a little while back she hated him.

" Yes we are Jamie,"she said with a slight irritation. I just slowly nodded my head at Mark who was staring at me with a serious look all of a sudden.

"Okay then,"I said before trailing off and staring at the ground. Maya got in the car and looked back at me.

"Well aren't you going to get in,"she said with gritted teeth. I wonder what has her all angry. I just nod my head quickly and get in the back seat next to her. I rest my bag on my lap and play with the zipper. When I glance up I can't help but notice Mark and Maya glaring at each other through the mirror. Their eyes change from time to time.

'Shit,'I whispered mentally in my mind when I could swear that Maya's eyes turned black. Maybe I am seeing things. I let out a long shaky sigh as Mark started the car and began to drive.

Maya's POV

As I sat next to Jamie in the car I couldn't help but feel bad that I was just doing this to Jamie. Making her go to the stupid pack territory. I tried leaving there multiple times and live on my own but something always sucks me back in. Now that I have found my mate things have gotten really complicated. I must do whatever it takes to protect him.

Caden's POV

"Alpha we just got a word from the Gamma that the Luna will be here soon sir,"a warrior said to the Alpha. Caden looked up from the newspaper he was reading and dismissed the pack warrior with a nod. He had everyone in the pack notified to not be in wolf form or not to mention anything about werewolves near Jamie or when they smell any human on pack territory.

From his mate being mentioned of being closer to him made his wolf howl in joy. He could finally meet his mate properly. From the moment he saw her his wolf wanted to take her but he wanted to keep his distance. He still does even though his wolf is fighting to get out to go to Jamie and mark her. He removed his glasses and rested his head in his hands.

"Oh moon goddess what am I going to do,"he asked hoping he would get an answer. Like always when he wouldn't he would just huff. Jamie Adams was going to be here soon and he would have to find a way to be around her or bad things will happen.

Jamie's POV

"So how much longer until we get there,"I asked to break the painful silence we were in. Mark hasn't been driving for long but since there was so much silence it felt like he was. Mark gave me a small glance through the mirror with smile.

"In a few minutes,"he said. I just nodded and looked back to Maya as she looked out the window. I brought my hand towards her and poked her on the arm. She tensed before turning with me with a glare in her eyes.

"What...do...you...want,"she spit out slowly. I was taken back by this and my eyes widened slightly. Once she saw this she calmed down but still had an annoyed look in her eyes.

"I am sorry that I did something to make you upset. I can go home if you like instead,"I suggested but she shook her head. She placed a smile on her face but in her eyes now held a pleading look.

"No please. I just have been very stressed lately with someone special in my life,"she said. Some part of me made me understand her so I nodded. I gave her a small smile before Mark interrupted.

"Well if you ladies are done I just wanted you to know that we are here,"he said and I looked out the window to see a huge gated territory. I stared in awe at this beautiful place in front of me.

"Beautiful isn't it,"Mark asked and I nodded. The gates opened out of nowhere and Mark drove into the place. I turned to look at my Maya and she seemed nervous. Once Mark parked his car we both got out to see kids playing around the place. Woman and teens walked around with their friends.

"Okay well how would you like a tour of this place,"Maya asked before I smiled nodding. I can't help but also feel a certain feeling from being here. I don't know what it is but I guess I will soon.


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