Prologue 1 | Red and Pink

Start from the beginning

"AOMINE DAIKI!" Satsuki exclaimed.

The corners of Chiharu's lips rose in amusement as Satsuki's face grew a cherry red. "WAIT UNTIL I CATCH YOU," she yelled in rage before darting off in the same direction as Daiki.

Chiharu watched as the pair disappeared into the distance. She sighed heartily wondering how some things never changed despite the passing of time.

The previously clear blue sky had now been marred by huge gatherings of clouds. Chiharu groaned as she looked back at Teiko Middle School. Perhaps it was attributed to the sudden weather change and what Chiharu called 'weather depression' but the dark purple clouds made her stomach cramp with butterflies.

Chiharu had no friends in elementary school. 

She had and was always going to be alone.

Nothing would change in middle school just as nothing had ever changed elsewhere.


A month into middle school and Chiharu's days blended into one. 

She kept to herself most of the time and avoided attention and crowds. Occasionally Satsuki would come find her during lunch along with Daiki, forcing the childhood friends to eat together. Satsuki was concerned about the quiet nature of her younger twin sister who would isolate herself from her class. She knew Chiharu had not always been like that. But as the days passed and Satsuki met new friends and joined different school clubs, she became more and more preoccupied with her school life than to spend time with her twin sister. 

And Chiharu didn't mind.

In the meantime, Daiki had found passion with basketball and occupied his time training and practicing the sport. Satsuki also found herself interested in basketball after being shown the basics by Daiki and she quickly found herself helping out the team, discovering an uncanny talent in research and analysis. Before she knew it she was asked to join as a basketball team manager.


Two months later, Chiharu who still had no one she could call friends found herself peeking through the large doors of the Teiko Middle School gymnasium looking for her twin sister and their blue haired childhood friend.

The gymnasium was a large building that hosted many basketball courts allowing Teiko Middle School to boast sporting excellence. 

The large building had always seemed excessively big and foreign for Chiharu's liking but as she saw the basketball players leap across the large courts with incredible speed, she could not help but think how small the gymnasium was. The team members ran from one end of the gym to the other with such ease that it felt like the gym itself could not contain the talent of the basketball players.

She took a step into the gym wanting to observe their movements closer before reminding herself the original reason why she was here. 

She scanned the gym searching for her blue haired and tanned skin friend as well as her peach haired sister. The gym however was simply too big and too crowded for her to find them. She then decided to enter hoping to find them quickly and avoiding small groups of students around and inside the courts.

As she settled into an empty corner of the gym, she noticed a spike of dark blue hair pop up and out of the crowd of basketball players. The blue haired figure jumped at a height beyond imaginable, leaving the onlookers gobsmacked. Recognising Daiki in the middle of a practice game, Chiharu decided to watch and wait until practice was finished


Midorima propped up his glasses, eyes narrowing at a red-haired figure. 

"Akashi," started Midorima, "What are you doing?" 

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