Chapter 22

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The next morning Amy awoke next to an empty bed, he probably left for work already. She put on her usual jeans and a collared shirt. She made some cereal for herself. After finishing that, she heard Kiarra awake, so she started to feed Kiarra in her pajamas. When she was feeding Kiarra she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door, a familiar face with dirty-blond hair and quirky smile stood. Mallory.

"Hi Amy!" Mallory greeted, letting herself in.

"Hi Mallory," She replied, "What are you doing here?"

"Keeping you company," Mallory replied, "I thought I'd come and visit, sorry about being unnanonced."

"No, it's fine, at this kind of time I always have friends coming over, Lou's a spy," Amy told Mallory, "Come in, I'm just feeding Kiarra."

"Hi Kiarra!" Mallory greeted Kiarra, giving her a hug.

"Awntie Mawolly!" She exclaimed.

"Alright Kiarra do you want to go and play in the living room?" Amy asked Kiarra, letting her down from her high chair.

She nodded her head and ran to the living room. Her little legs bobbling up and down.

"Have you planned the wedding, like where it is going to be and when its going to be?" Amy asked.

"No, I haven't decided when but we thought maybe like here or France, we love both places," Mallory replied, "SO twins?"

"Yah,"Amy answered, "Two little siblings to Kiarra. Three kids!"

"Three, wow, you are advancing fast!" Mallory replied with a little giggle.

"Mommy!" Kiarra replied, "Pony ride!"

"Pony ride?" Mallory asked, "She's only two!"

"She just sits on the pony while someone holds her and the other leads, it's a two person job. You up for it?" Amy asked Mallory, looking in her dark rich brown eyes.

"Yeah," She replied, "Let's go!"

Amy then called, "Kiarra we can go for a pony ride!"

"Yay!" Kiarra replied, "Mawolly help me put on my cowgurl boots!"

Mallory was dragged by her hand to a chair and handed Kiarra's cowgirl boots. Amy smiled at her daughter, the one she loved.

They then headed down to the round-pen. Amy got ahold of Kiarra and placed her on the horse. Mallory grabbed the lead and walked slowly, while Amy held Kiarra's hand. Kiarra had a smile plastered on her face.

After around an hour of going in a circle, Amy told Kiarra the time was over, Kiarra was super-duper sad and dropped lip for a little while. Then, the three of them went inside for a snack. As soon as the snack had been finished, Jake called to tell Mallory that he was going to pick her up and tell Jake's parents about the engagement and have an early dinner.

Well that is a short chapter....... I'll add the next one, summer is in one week! So I will be continuing all my stories more regularily then!

Till then


Look at this life|| A Heartland Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें