Chapter 17

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Amy got home immediately after and hung the ribbon on Rains stall, she then gave him a nice brush down. "You like that don't you?" She asked the horse, looking over at Kiarra who was asleep in her little pushchair near a bale of hay.

"You did a good job today, but I can't spend all my time with you, but Georgie and Steven will take good care of you, they'll feed you and take you on rides, it'll be perfect for you," Amy smiled, she then heard a car pull up in the driveway.

Amy bolted the lock to the stall and carried the stroller out, parked it and ran to her love, Ty who embraced her in his loving arms.

"Hello there," He smiled.

"Hey, we need to get packing our plane leaves tomorrow," Amy smiled.

"Yes, we do. I saw that competition today, you did great, that horse is awesome," Ty said.

"Yes, rain has a love for jumping, he's really magnificent," Amy replied, they stepped in the door.

They both walked into their rooms, to pack. Amy packed her jeans, after that her usual horse supplies like bridle saddle objects to help with training and her mom's journal. Without the journal, she would be in much danger as she always needed it for references or things to try.

Amy must have packed 100 clothes for Kiarra, Kiarra was well loaded and ready for her first ever trip to Las Vegas. Ty, on the other hand, was not paying too much attention to his clothes so he just packed some random T-shirts and his usual jeans.

But thankfully the only days Amy was doing the clinic was on the weekdays so on the weekends the small family could enjoy the life of Las Vegas.

Amy had asked Steven and Georgie to run the ranch for the time being and they would be paying Steven double the usual rate, and Georgie just wanted to help and be able to use the jumps for Phionex to jump, as she had promised her mother that she would do a few shows this year and she needed to be good enough to get some ribbons, as Pheonix was missing the competition.

Steven and Georgie waved goodbye at the gate, Amy trusted Georgie and Steven to run the ranch. Amy gave Georgie a hug and waved goodbye to Steven.

That's it. They were ready. They were off to the airport.

Short chapter, I'll post the next one up, too tonight, I'm almost done this book, and by the way I'm WAY ahead of where you are, aka I'm writing it in MICROSOFT WORD. THanks for your continued support. CHeck out my Other books like Marriage Law, WHat happened after- a harmione fanfic, Lunar chronicles, and Telling the family.


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