Chapter 12

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"Soraya when are you off? "Amy asked, recently Soraya had got a job at Maggie's from Lou because Lou knew she needed some work until she found a job. Lou also was giving Soraya the option if she wanted to help Nicole with the 'Heartland equestrian connection'

"In a few minutes, what is up?" Soraya asked.

"Well, I have had the most hectic past few days! I've got Georgie to go to a dance with a guy who is absolutely crazy about her. I've entered a jumping competition, I have seen kit for the first time in years, Ashley is coming back and not in the last two days but last Month, Ahmed decided to want to get me back! Practically stalking me, soon I might have to call the cops!" Amy exclaimed.

"W-O-W and I thought that I was loaded," Soraya replied leaning on the counter, "So kit.... Not too keen on her?"

"No, I am okay. Plus he is married to me and has a daughter. I trust Ty sure he may be a big cranked out of beer when Caleb is around. Especially rodeo videos, "Amy replied.

"That's what they are doing right now isn't it?" Soraya asked lifting her eyebrows.

"Yip," Amy answered shaking her head.

A little later Caleb, were watching Television, rodeo Channel while Kiarra was asleep in her bedroom.

"look at this guy, he is pretty good the way he grabs that steer but lacks on the 'get off the horse' part" Caleb explained, "I've beat him before countless times!"

"Ok, show me someone that you cannot beat," Ty replied, exhausted and slightly fed up with Caleb's bragging on how he could beat everyone. It was midnight and Amy was still not back from Maggie's or wherever she was.

"Oh here is Jack Frobisher. He is really good. Great bull rider! Sucks at everything else," Caleb replied, Ty shook his head not exactly what he was looking for. Just as he finished his thought Amy walked through the door.

"Hey guys I am so sorry that I am late!" Amy apologized.

"NO problem Ames we were just having 'fun'" Ty replied sarcastically.

"Where's Kiarra?" Amy asked, looking around.

"She is sleeping in her room," Ty replied.

"Wow, you two really out did yourselves, "Amy said astonished.

"Well I need to hit the hay myself, so thank you for letting me stay over, bye Man. Bye Amy," Caleb replied getting up.

"See you later Caleb," Ty uttered.    

Do you like my story? Please I need some feedback. I'm thinking of ending it, possiably. Yeah, i LOVE feedback! Thanks!

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