t w e n t y t h r e e

12 2 1

"That movie was bad ass." Luke screams, disturbing the other people still in the building.

"It was, besides the fact you kept yelling stupid things every time something happened." I snap back before apologizing to the family beside us.

As the ending credits continue to roll, we exit the place to head on home. It's already night out and surprisingly there's a lot of cars still despite it being a school night.

"I'm hungry." Ashton claims, once we're in the truck.

"But you ate an extra large popcorn with an extra large drink." I mention.

Ashton and Luke stare at me with mischievous grins. Something tells me I'm going on yet another spontaneous trip somewhere with these guys.

"Let's go to McDonald's." Luke says, disregarding what I just said.

I roll my eyes while the two shout and cheer for McDonald's. Ashton drives out of the lot and typically, he starts playing Green Day loudly on the stereo. Luke rolls down the window, letting the music out on the streets.

I hide my face behind my hands and sink in my seat.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ashton asks at a red light.

"I don't want to be one of those rowdy teenagers who annoy other drivers with their loud ass music." I yell over the music.

"Too bad," Luke yells back,"you're now best friends with rowdy teenagers who do exactly just that!"

After about fifteen minutes of listening to Ashton belt out words to American Idiot and other songs, we finally make it to the unhealthy fast food establishment named McDonald's.

Inside, I go ahead and find us a place to sit while the two gladly order for all of us.

Looking around, I see that not many people are around except a few kids with their parents at the playground and three boys, probably my age, sitting in a corner booth. They all look like they go to the same school as us. Two of them have brown hair and one red head.

The red head in particular, is staring at me.

I glance back at Ashton and Luke ,impatiently, who both seem to be taking their sweet time ordering our food. From the looks of the scared little cashier taking their orders, I'd say they're ordering a lot.

When I turn back around, the red haired boy is still staring. Without thinking, I stare back in annoyance.

"Yes, I want six Big Macs. No I am not a crazy man!" I hear Ashton argue from the counter.

The strange boy keeps staring and a part of me starts to recall a face similar to his. I wince when I feel a sharp pain near my brain.Instinctively, I place my hand over the scar that lies on my head.

The boy's friends notice what's going on, and they crack in laughter.

"Hey! You're the girl who caused that whole scene with Nick and his friends!" one of them exclaims.

I feel my face fall with a frown. The strange boy notices it.

"Ha! That was hilarious. Hey look! There's her loser friends also." the other boy exclaims, pointing at Ashton and Luke.

"Hey guys cut it out, already!" the red head yells over them, shutting the two up.

I'm caught off guard by his sudden remark. I would've thought he'd add on to their line of insults.

Once Ashton and Luke see what all the commotion is about, they grimace at the three guys.

"Let's leave." Luke says solemnly.

The three boys let out obnoxious laughs, but the redhead still has his attention on me.


I stand up reluctantly, ready to leave. Ashton gets his order shortly after that and we leave quickly afterwards.

The boys accompanying me, make a run for the truck, not bothering to explain what their deal is.

"What the hell guys? Why'd we leave so soon. Those guys were just jerks. We didn't have to go, if anything they should've been the ones to-"

"Just leave it. Alright? Jesus, I don't want to talk about it and I'm sure Luke doesn't either so let's just go." Ashton mumbles, opening the car door sourly.

I remain silent from his sudden, bitter remake and unwillingly get inside.

The car ride home is of pure silence and the boys become the opposite of "rowdy teenagers." Even the stereo is turned off, left for the tracks of green day to collect dust. The only thing my ears pick up is the rustling sounds of Ashton's car keys swinging back and forth.

Other than that, it's completely quiet.

"You guys we can talk-"

"There's nothing to talk about. They're just a couple of shitheads who don't know when to shut their mouths." Luke interrupts without looking me in the eye.

I close my mouth after that, and sink into my seat.

The rest of the night ride home continued on like that until the car finally pauses in front of my house.

"Wait a minute.." I mumble, opening and peeking out the car window.

"Is that?" We all ask in unison.

"It's me." Michael grins, turning around from underneath my front porch.

|authors note|

long time, no see ((:

anyway sorry for the extremely late update, i've been busy with school and stuff but for sure i'll be updating a little more now so yea ((:

comment vote and stuff if ya want (: it makes my day knowing people enjoy my fanfics lmao

anyway peace xx

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