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I quietly lie on the house roof just outside of my room's window and wait for Calum's arrival. Gazing back inside my room, I see my desktop clock that reads 6:00.

"He should be here by now." I assure myself anxiously.

The door opens in my room and I frown when I see it's not Calum. Instead, my stepmother walks in with a concerned look on her face. I turn back around to face the sunset.

"I don't want to talk to you." I say plainly, not even looking her in the eye.

She sighs from behind me, "Well, I want to talk to you."

She approaches me and the only thing in between us is the opened window. I tell her to leave once more but she doesn't budge. Unwillingly, I turn around to face her so I can get this over with before Calum gets here.

"The school called," she says, "about your behavior. What's going on? Is it about your mother?"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother! You know nothing about her." I say angrily.

Her eyes look down to the floor regretfully and starts for the door.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes," just don't do this again, please. It worries me and your father when little things like this happen."

With that, the door closes quietly behind her petite figure. I'm almost tempted to go after her but I know Calum will be here soon.

I sink back to my original position and grasp the top of my head.

A large scar remains there, ever since the night of the incident. Sometimes I even forget it's there until people point it out. It's a flaw of mine that I'd rather hide, but it's a memory no one can take away from me.

"Hey princess, your prince awaits." a familiar voice calls out from below me.

I look down to see Calum holding a pizza box in one hand and a handful of sunflowers in the other.

"Prince? I don't see him anywhere?" I tease, pretending to look around.

Calum fake laughs and climbs up the house skillfully. He sits himself next to me and greets me with a warm hug.

"It still amazes me how you can climb up this house with ease." I chuckle, shaking my head lightly.

Calum just smiles and opens the box of Hawaiian pizza. After I take a slice, he slips into my room and places the sunflowers in a vase near my bed.

I drown my sorrows into a slice of pizza and by the time I'm on my second piece, I realize Calum still hasn't left my room.

"Cal?" I call out.

I turn around to see him standing still, looking at my nightstand. It's as if he's in a trance.

"I see you still have one of the roses he gave you." he finally speaks.

His comment causes me to stop whatever it is I'm doing.

He speaks of the single, withering rose that Michael gave me along with the same note he left along with it. I've kept it all this time and Calum's been bothered by it since then.

"I've had it all this time, why would I get rid of it now?" I question.

Calum shrugs his shoulder and walks back to where I am. He quietly grabs a slice of pizza and looks out at the skies as the sun sets.

Pursing my lips, I head back inside to set the mood. I step back to look through my collection of endless vinyls and carefully choose one to play on my record player. As I'm doing this, Calum looks at me intently.

"What song are you going to play?" he asks mindlessly.

I smile," It's a surprise."

I place the record in place and start playing the track I want. Calum's big brown eyes crease at the sides from smiling wide as "Let it go" by James Bay plays.  He sets the pizza aside and bows before me.

"May I have this dance?" he asks, offering his hand.

I roll my eyes and take his hand while he gently grabs my waist. We slowly sway side to side, to the rhythm of the song and at one point, Calum spins me around. Afterwards, I can't help but laugh at how childish we are.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I whisper something in his ear.

"I don't deserve such a great best friend like you."

Calum doesn't say anything.

Instead, he cups my face with his hand and brings me into another spin.

"You're right." he says softly.

"You deserve so much more." he adds quickly.

I force a smile back at him and take his hand in mine back to the roof to watch the skies.For the next hour, the box of pizza is completely empty and the two of us talk on and on about countless topics. One of laughs at a certain moment causing the other to laugh.While doing so, we admire the stars displayed above us.

"By the way, you're coming to my parents' dinner party tomorrow, right?" Calum mentions, nonchalantly.

I groan and rest my head on his crossed legs.

"You know how much I hate dinner parties." I say.

He chuckles,"Not as much I hate them too. C'mon Mikayla, just this one time, please?"

I huff once more before agreeing to his plan. It's rare for me to ever turn down Calum and one his crazy ideas. That's how much I trust him. I'd be willing to do anything no matter how crazy the idea is.

"Who's going to this little dinner party anyway? And is it casual or formal?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Just some of my dad's co-workers and their families, and it's uh.. formal." he says with a blank expression.

His answer confuses me.

"Why formal? I know each and every single one of your dad's co-worker because of the past parties and barbecues your folks have hosted." I frown.

"I know," he says," but my dad's new boss is coming as well, along with his son."

I groan once more at the idea of wearing a dress before heading back inside the room. Calum watches my every move as I get ready for bed.

"Aw c'mon Mikayla, it's barely going to be
8:00. Don't go to bed right now." Calum pleads.

I continue to the restroom with a change of clothes.

Giving him the silent treatment is something Calum hates. It frustrates him and causes him to get angry when I do it sometimes.

"Mikayla." he says once more.

I ignore him again as I begin brushing my teeth. By the time I'm done, I can't hear Calum outside of the restroom. When I open the door, I see him waiting on my bed with his laptop at the edge. I also notice that he's changed into some pajamas. When he notices I'm here, he gets up with a worn out expression.

"It took me three minutes to run to my house, tell my parents I'd sleep over here, change clothes, grab my laptop, and come back here. Now will you please stop ignoring me?" he huffs.

"I guess," I smile,"but do I still have to wear a dress tomorrow?"I groan.

Calum rolls his eyes," Yes, dork you have to wear a dress. Now come here so we can watch Star Wars on my laptop."

I happily sit next to him nevertheless as we watch the movie until we end up falling asleep.

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