s i x t e e n

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I wake up, only wishing to go back to sleep. I turn around in my bed to see the time.The clock reads 6:15 a.m. from my bedside table. I stubbornly decide to sleep for another ten minutes before getting ready.

"Sweetie, wake up. It's time for school!" my dad comes in, almost too gleefully. He opens the curtains, letting in the early sunshine come through.

I groan into my pillow.

So much for ten extra minutes of sleep..

"I'm taking the car right now, if that's okay. Sheryl starts her job today and she needs a ride." my dad says, already starting to head back outside in the hallway.

I roll my eyes. Did he really just come in to only say he was taking the car because of the little step monster? Ten extra minutes of quiet to myself before I spend my day in hell called school, gone.

"For fucks sake..." I mutter, hiding under my blanket.

I yawn lazily before finally leaving my beloved bed to get ready for school.

Making my way into the restroom, I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I ditch even trying to put on makeup and I walk to my closet to find something to wear for today.

It's Monday. Who says we have to dress up nicely for Mondays?

I decide on wearing comfy black jeans and a white v-neck shirt accompanied by a pair of red converse shoes.

After changing, I notice that Michael's leather jacket is still on my bed. Contemplating whether or not I should take it to give it to him, I end up just wearing it. No need to carry any extra things while on the go. That and his jacket's very cozy.

I walk towards my mirror to see myself, only to notice my hair's still a big, tangled mess.

"That's unflattering." I mumble humorously, already grabbing a brush to detangle the monstrosity.

Giving up on even a simple bun or a braid, I leave my hair down. Grabbing my backpack next to my bed, I leave my room and rush downstairs to prepare some food for lunch later. While getting some bread out, my phone rings on the counter top.

A text from Calum.

"We walking to school today?"

I think for a moment before responding.

I reply, "Maybe. Depends. Did those girls  keep you so occupied that you didn't call me a single time?"

With that, I place my phone down to finish making my packed lunch. I glance at the oven clock to see that it's already seven. Hurrying to go outside, I grab a pop tart from the pantry along with my phone, lunch, and backpack.

Already the car is gone from the driveway, along with my dad and his excuse of a wife.

I lock the house with the spare key that we leave inside the bush next to the doorbell and start my way to school.

That is.. until I see Calum waiting for me besides my mailbox.

His messenger bag rests on his shoulder and a pile of textbooks are held in his hands. A new pair of glasses sit on his face along with more of the "new clothes" his mother bought him.

We lock stares for a second before I notice Michael walking out of his house as well Ashton and Luke, who are walking down the street towards us. All three of them wave at me with a smile.

Seeing this, Calum dashes next to me with visible envy. He acts like the same, old person I remember him to be, easily jealous and overprotective.

"Why are those guys here? And him.." he grimaces at Michael.

Anger starts to swell up in me towards Calum. A part of me tells me that he has no right to act this way after what he did yesterday. The other side says the complete opposite.

Michael gives me a hug first, completely disregarding Calum. Something tells me he did that purposely.

"You look good in my jacket." he smirks, noticing my outfit.

I thank him and with that, he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

My face turns red with heat. From the corner of my eye, I see Calum's eyes grow with fury.

Before he can react, Ashton and Luke grab ahold of both his arms.

"C'mon buddy, let's go to school." Ashton says calmly.

"Don't you dare call me buddy." Calum grunts, pulling himself from their grip. He continues walking by himself without looking back, leaving the boys shocked.

Luke turns around and raises his eyebrows at us, "Your friend's a feisty one. Didn't know he had it in him."

I let out a low sigh and rest my head on Michael's shoulder.

"I didn't know either." I respond sadly, before we start walking to school.


"Looks like you have all of your classes with Ashton and I."Luke grins, looking down at  Michael's schedule.

Ashton takes the paper from him to confirm this seemingly impossible fact.

"Holy crap, you're right!" Ashton exclaims along with a high five for Mikey.

Left in disbelief, I grab hold of the paper to triple check.

Calum clings onto my arm from behind in silence, reminding me of a sloth.

I could tell his focus is on Michael, but Michael himself seems unfazed. Instead he chuckles under his breath while he watches me scan the paper.

"Hell yea! You're in Jacobs with us." I grin.

Michael looks at me in confusion.

"He can be an ass sometimes." Luke admits.

I give him a dirty look and he raises his hands as if surrendering.

"Alright. He's an ass all the time. Better,
Mikayla?" he snickers.

I feel Calum tug in my arm gently, causing me to look at him. He stares at all of us with disapproval for talking bad about a teacher.

"Oh c'mon, Calum you know you hate him too, just admit it." Ashton says.

Before he can respond with another distasteful, sour answer, Nick walks in through the main door with his friends. All five of them plus Erika by Nick's side hand us mischievous smiles.

While Calum stands alone oblivious, the rest of us stare in fear.

"See you at lunch." Nick grins, walking past us to first period.

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