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|Michael's POV|

The second Mikayla's hand leaves mine to go talk with her friends, marks the start of a poorly planned night. My hopes of getting to know her better, evaporates into thin air, and I'm left with Luke and Ashton.

"C'mon lads," Luke says enthusiastically.

The three of us walk inside the house party and within the five seconds I step foot in there, I can see another boring, generic, teenage house party.

There's people dancing in the living room. In the kitchen, several seniors are huddled, drinking countless red cups of alcohol. And on top of that, I can barely hear myself think thanks to all the yelling and loud music. It's only a matter of time before I get handed a can of beer while some drunk girl wraps her arms around me. I look around for Luke and Ashton but they're nowhere to be found.

"Hey you wanna dance with me?" the girls slurs with a giggle.

I smile and shake off her offer, carefully removing her hands off of me.

Sure she's a pretty brunette with eyes as green as mine, but she's not Mikayla. Besides, I didn't come here to get drunk and take a girl home. I came here to get closer to Mikayla and so far, I haven't gotten close to even having a full conversation with her.

The girl frowns and walks the other direction where her friends are. I on the other hand, unconsciously walk towards the dark living room. Luke and Ashton catch up with me and it seems as though the two have already downed endless cans of beer.

"Where were you man?" Luke asks with a groggy smile.

"Just here," I shrug,"I take it that you guys are enjoying yourselves?"

The two smile like the idiots they are and Ashton adds that all of us will meet up outside where the truck is, when the place starts to empty. I glance at my phone from my pocket and the time, 10:30 glows in front of me. I'm betting this place is going to get stopped by the cops in under an hour, maybe even a little longer.

"Do you guys know where Mikayla is?" I ask as more girls with skimpier outfits pass by.

Luke and Ashton gape at the women and it's as if my question disappeared into thin air.

I sigh hopelessly and instead of bothering the two lads any longer, I head out the living room to go look for her myself. The only problem is, there's so many places she could be in this house, I have no idea where to start.

I decide to start with the backyard. Dodging a bunch of guys trying to get with girls in the pool, I walk around in a complete circle around the area with empty hands.

She's not out here, that's for sure.

I head back into the house before I get splashed by pool water and start my way in the home theater next to the kitchen. Star Wars is the film that's playing but as far as I can see, no one's paying attention. As the scene where Anakin and Padme kiss passes, I notice that all the people here are couples. Rolling my eyes, I assume Mikayla's not here and move on to another room.

While looking for her, I bump into Luke and Ashton again. Only this time, they have girls along with them.

"Have you found your dream girl yet?" Luke asks as a blonde slings her arm around him.

I shake my head sadly and leave the lads to themselves yet again.

I check the upstairs next. The way up is an obstacle as I dodge every person I come across. As soon as I reach the last step, I see a couch and a flat screen TV. There's a couple of guys playing video games intently. To the side, there's a hallway full of rooms. Tempted to join them in a round Fifa, I force myself to continue searching for Mikayla. As I walk down the hall, one of the guys playing gives me a dirty look but doesn't stop what he's doing. Shrugging it off, I pass by each room carefully in hopes of seeing Mikayla.

The first room is an incredibly huge bathroom that's ten times bigger than my own. I try not to spend too much time looking around, but my explorations end when I see a couple of guys and one girl all taking turns throwing up in the toilet. The four look at me with confusion, and then turn back to the bowl to hurl some more. Worried, I look closer to make sure it isn't Mikayla that's there puking her brains out.

After I ask the group if they're okay, I head back into the hallway.

The next couple of rooms are bedrooms so I don't bother checking them because I know for a fact they're being.. "used."

After I come across another bathroom, I find myself inside a room with a grand piano and a couple of more instruments. It's empty thankfully, so I let myself in quietly.

The walls are a navy blue and the musical atmosphere welcomes me in when I spot an acoustic guitar resting in a corner. Strumming random chords absentmindedly, I try to think of any other places Mikayla could be.

She wouldn't have gone home with someone, would she? That's not something she would do.. Then again I have no idea what kind of person she is.

I sigh, desperate to find her.

"I wonder what kind of person she is," I find myself blurting out in the empty room.

Saying that, surprised myself.

I set the guitar back down where it was, and rest myself against the wall for a moment. 

"What are you doing?" I ask myself breathlessly with shut eyes.

I have no answer for that either.

Standing back up on my feet, I leave the room without another word to check the balcony for a familiar face.

Hopeless, I look around and sure enough, I finally find her.

Except, she's with another boy.

"Let go of me," she cries at the guy holding her tightly by the arm.

"C'mon babe, I know you want this too. Just let me kiss you," the guy says.

"She said to let her go," I say angrily, startling the two.


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