I went beside her pink fluffy lamp and turned it on. I closed to switch of the lights on her ceiling and gently close her door, making sure not to make a single sound.

I lay on my own bed and shuffled from different positions, but it looks like, sleep hasn't come to me yet. I frowned and pick up the book Chloe let me borrowed.

When I reached chapter 39, a quiet 'click' came from the window beside the sofa, that sounded like a pebble hitting a glass surface.

I made my way towards it and stare through, my eyes widen at the woman standing before me. She's dressed in a white dress and her beautiful and angeletic delicate face smiled up at me.

An angel.

I opened my window and the cold wind from the gluminus midnight sky fanned my face.

"Come here child". She said from all the way down at the grass. I bit my lower lip, but follow her either way.

I went out the grassy greenery and walk off to her. I swallowed the forming lump on my throat and continue to approach her. "Hello child". She greeted kindly with a soft smile etch on her face.

"You-your an angel". I manage through my stuttering state. Being face to face with a being from the heavens isn't a normal thing for me, or for anyone for that matter.

"Come with me". She took my slightly trembling hand into her warm ones and white clouds surrounded us until it cleared out and I found myself standing in the most beautiful and majestic surrounding ever. Colorful bouquet of flowers surrounded us and seeing that I went outside barefooted, I managed to feel the green grass beneath me amd couldn't help but be amaze at how amazing and heavenly this place is.

"Where are we?". I asked with more confidence. "Are we in heaven?".

"No dear, we are at what we call 'The Under World' where all the souls go after they pass away. Or what you call Purgatory".

"Wait, what do you mean, where all the souls go after they pass away. Don't they like, go to paradise or oblivion?". She lightly shook her head.

"All the souls, evil or good. They end up here, until the day of judgement. Which is the end of the world". She catches my still frowned up face and elaborate. "This serves as the gate way to Paradise or Oblivion. It serves us a waiting area for the souls who are waiting for the the day of judgement to come. This is, what I said earlier, The middle of Heaven and Hell". My mouth turned to an 'o' shape.

"But why are you showing me this?". She straightened from her recent crouch position to get to my height.

"Your Grandma wishes to see her great granddaughter". She lead away from the flowery field. I saw the invisible barrier separating the green forest from the flower filled field. We came to a halt and I stare up to a white looking castle like structure."This way". The double doors opened and I'm greeted by numerous people in white dressing or cloaks. She nodded to the two guard who opened the double doors and they bow their heads in recognition.

"This is her office, don't get too overwhelmed with the coming revelations dear". She advice on my way to the said office.

A woman looked up from the stack of paper from her wooden desk and her already smiling face grew wider. She tame up quickly and came around stopping just about an inch in front of me to examine me from head to toe. She drew her arms around me and hug me tightly getting caught off guard, I just stood there with my arms limping on my sides, realizing that this is actually my grandmother, I wrapped my arms around her also and hug her tightly.

She pulled away and I didn't miss the tears in her eyes. "Look at you, oh my granddaughter!". She drew me in for another hug.

"Come, sit". She sat me down in one of the chair closest to her desk. She took a deep breath. "So I know you wondering why your here right now? Em I right?". I nodded. "Well...your here because, there's something you need to know. I know that some of the days have pass have been really weird and un usual. And before you ask any question. Yes. I do know about the whole, forgetting you thing".

"The first and most important reason is...". She took my hands in hers".

I readid myself for what's to come.

"I'm the Moon Goddess, and you are the heir of my place".

Ooohhh! Revelations! Revelations!
There's more to come at the upcoming chapters!

Oh and remember the Authors note I said at
some chapter awhile back?
That this book will only have a few more chapters and it will end?

Well I decided to extend it longer than what I've planned

But...I've caught a serious case of bad flu
And my clogged up nose is making my lose my precious beauty sleeps!

And I'm legit laying on my bed, covered with pillows and my comforter right now!

So..I'm sorry for any typos or bad grammar!


Wish me luck on my terrible sickness!!👌🙀😷


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