The door slides open at my touch and I'm suddenly blinded by the bright white lights of the bathroom. Groaning, I stumble inside, my feet gently padding across the cold tiles towards the sink.

Sara comes and leans against the doorway, picking at her nails while I douse my face in cold water.

"Kendra left around eight. She didn't clean anything up so when I yanked you out of bed you might have landed on my half melted, Milk Duds," she says casually.

Blinking away the cold water that is now dripping down my chin, I grab the nearest fluffy white towel and shove my face into it. The soft bristles gently massage my soaking face and I peer over the top of it at Sara.

"You're saying I have Milk Duds in my hair?"

She nods and pouts out her lip.

"Yeah, and I was saving those too," she complains, her attention going back to her nails.

I make a sarcastic noise and glance in the mirror checking for little chocolate covered caramel balls. Sure enough, after I run my fingers through my newest rat's nest, I find a sticky glob stuck in my hair. Groaning, I stare at my short blonde locks that are now solidified to the candy.

"Told you," Sara mutters.

In two quick strides, I'm at the door leading to the bathroom.

Sara glances up at me in surprise but I give her no chance to ask any questions as I shove her out.

The door slides shut and I lock it carefully before heading for the shower.

"Jerk!" Sara calls through the door.

After my extremely long and exceedingly wonderful shower, I put on some clean clothes and left the steamy bathroom. Rubbing my wet hair with a small hand towel, I drop my dirty clothes in my bag. Then I begin cleaning up the room. I only manage to pile all the trash in a corner of the room before a knock sounds at the door. 

I jump at the noise and swear under my breath as I slowly make my way over to the door. I wave my hand over the sensor and it slowly begins to open.

Why would Sara knock-

The door opens revealing a very familiar figure wearing a blue parka.

Oh, that's why.

My eyes drop to the floor and I quickly step back reaching for the button to automatically shut and lock to door.

"Jones, wait," Snart begins tiredly reaching into my room.

I step further back and slam my hand to the button. The door attempts to shut but Snart pushes past it into my room.

"Are you going to add breaking and entering to your lists of crimes?" I snap still glaring at a Milk Dud sticking to the floor beneath Snart's left foot.

"It's already on there," Snart says dryly.

"What do you want, Snart?" I growl as I cross my arms across my chest.

"Sara says you're upset."

I glare at the spot on the floor.

"And that you're gonna keep moping unt-"

"I'm not moping!" I snap angrily, looking up at him, I'm-"

My voice shudders to a halt as I notices Snart's features for the first time. His left eye is swollen shut and his face is covered in multicolored bruises.

"What in helheim happened?" I ask in a tenuous voice.

"I talked to Mick," Snart says wincing, "It went well."

My anger disappears for a moment as I take a step forward and raise a shaky hand. I gently trace his beaten face with my fingertips.

Snart closes his eyes and winces as I accidentally brush over a dark spot in his cheekbone.

"Sorry," I mutter and pull my hand away.

Snart smirks slightly and catches my hand with his calloused one. His eyes search mine carefully as he clutches my hand.

"Mick's back on our side," he says slowly.

I raise an eyebrow.

"And as a thank you gift, he bashed your face?" I ask sarcastically.

Snart's smirk widens as he releases my hand.

"Could've been worse," he shrugs.

"Don't joke like that," I mumble slipping my arms around him and burying my face in his chest.

"I'm not going anywhere, Princess,"
He says in my hair.

I pull away and smile.

"For better or for worse?"

Snart rolls his eyes and pulls me close.

"I'm sorry," he breathes, his words warm against my lips.

"Who are you and what have you done with Leonard Snart?" I smirk back.

"Shut up," he says before dipping his head down and capturing my lips with his own.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now