I had nobody sitting next to me anyways so why not?

K: "Why are you on a plane right now? Don't you have to take pictures at the boys concerts?"

I probably blushed so hard right then because I didn't  want to tell a total stranger what was going on with my life right now.

"Oh, I'm just taking a break right now and visiting my family." Nice save. 

K: "Oh, okay. Do you want to see some of the edits I've made of you and the girls?"

I've never seen an edit of myself....


She was just showing me the pictures for the rest of the flight, man she has a lot!

Once we had gotten off of the plane I got a picture with her and since she liked it a lot I put it on my twitter.

"I met this wonderful directioner today! pic.twitter.com/F5vsg45h"

I said goodbye and then called one of my brother's to come pick me up and not to tell anyone that I was here because I wanted to surprise them.

While I was waiting I went to Taco Bell. I haven't had some in so long and while I was waiting for my food I heard someone call my name. It was my oldest brother, Brandon, I guess he just knew that I'd be at Taco Bell. I used to always go. I even remember my order by heart. A number 7, Chicken, with a crunchy taco and a mountain dew baja blast. 

Man, I'm weird.....

We hugged for a long time and then my name was called to get my food so I grabbed it and we were off.

I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face. It's been too long.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Joy was such an emotional wreck right now. I was trying my hardest to calm her down, but whenever I tried it got worse and whenever it got worse she had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

Then my phone buzzed.

From Alyssa: Hey, I hope everyone's okay and I'm just letting you know that my plane landed and I'm safe.

Well nobody's okay, you left....

To Alyssa: Everyone's just being really quiet and Joy's throwing up, but okay I hope to see you soon x

From Alyssa: I hope so too, bye x

We've all just sat around not doing anything for a while. I thought that I should make them get up.

"Everyone up, just cause Alyssa left doesn't mean we need to be gloomy. She'll be back before we know it."

J: "I donn wannn ge uu" it was all muffled because she had her face in a pillow.

"I don't care, we need to get out and go do something."

Li: "Fine!"

We all got off of the bus, even though we had a hotel, and grabbed a soccer ball that we found. We just passed the ball around for a while. There were some fans outside the fence, but we didn't bother to go to them at that moment because from a distance we could look perfectly fine, but up close you could see all of the bags under our eyes and the girls, plus Niall, had red, puffy eyes.

Then Taylor got a text, she pulled Joy back to the bus to show her. I guess it was Alyssa.

(Taylor's P.O.V)

I had gotten a text from Alyssa while we were outside and she told me to get Joy,

From AA Boo Boo: Hey, I need to talk to you and Joy. Do not let any of the boys come with you and listen. Especially not Niall..

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