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I proceeded to basically run to the only place I knew to go to; Ansleigh's calmly, but clearly upset. my cheeks were hot & wet from the tears I shed.

once I got to her apartment door, I knocked uncontrollably.

she opened it, her hair in a messy bun, what she could fit in the bun, her hair was short. around about to her shoulders. her bangs were hanging out and she had her glasses on. sweats & a top that said "when words fail, music speaks".

"Sky...." she started. I didn't stop to listen to her, I walked in and threw myself on the guest bed. Luke was in her room, along with Alex and Jordan.

yikes. they're all staring at me. and I'm just lying here crying. but, I trust them. I really don't mind if they see me.

"Sky, what the hell?" Jordan said, standing to comfort me. I pushed him away and motioned for Ansleigh to come.

she sat down on the bed beside me & jordan went to sit with the others, who were watching cautiously. she leaned over & I whispered in her ear, "Oliver broke up with me."

she grasped her mouth with her hand and pulled me into a long, tight, sitted hug. "Oh my god, Sky I am so sorry," she says.

"it's alright. I guess I should have seen it coming. I want a drink. want a drink?" I spoke at normal level. only she heard me. she replied with "Actually, that sounds like a great idea. let me go get some clothes on." and she got up and went to the dresser.

I got up and walked over to the couch where Luke, Alex, and Jordan were sitting. "I'm sorry I pushed you away. c'mon, we're going out," I said holding my hand out and jordan grabbed it.

"where to?" Luke asked.

"I need a drink. probably a lottttt of them," I said.

"I'm in," he says.

"then go get clothes on and let's do it," I said.


after everyone was dressed, we walked out of the apartment and piled into Alex's rental car. we decided I drive ourselves.

about 10 minutes of silent driving, Alex turned into a bar. he parked and we all exited. the place was packed, of course.

we walked in, me and Ans arm in arm.
Tons of females and makes we're purchasing shots back to back. Ans and I proceeded to the counter to buy a few shots. and a few shots turned into a lot. and a lot turned into a ton.


Ansleigh and I were on the dance floor, along with Luke and Alex. Jordan was at the bar, buying a beer, he was FaceTimimg Emma. He is so stupid, why would he FaceTime her in a bar. he probably can't even hear her.

though I spoke too soon, because he took the beer and walked out of the bar.

"HAVING FUN?" Ans yells so I can hear her over the music.

"HELLLLL YESSSSS," I bark back.

Luke and I were wasted. Ansleigh was a lot more sober than I was.

Luke came over and asked me to dance, hell, I am single. I'm going to fucking dance with who the hell I want too. I took his hand and he spun me around. at first, things were innocent. but, that didn't last too long, because soon he was grinding his hips on mine. his hands wandering down my waist. his lips found my neck and my hands found his hair. I tugged and he chuckled against my skin.

We were interrupted by an anxious Ansleigh & Alex.

she pulled me over to the side. bringing Alex with her. she inhaled. exhaled. large breathes.

"don't. panic," she said.

"what're you talking about?" I breathed.

she pressed her lips together and pointed to the corner. there sat a drunk oliver, and a drunk female on Oliver's lap.

I was speechless. tears flooded my eyes. but then I remembered I was with Luke earlier. I turned to face Ans & Alex.

"I really don't care, you know. if he wants that, he can have it," I said. I flipped my hair and walked away.

I found Luke on the floor and I laced my fingers with his.

"What was that all about?" he slurred.

"Oh. Oliver's sucking some girls face over there in the corner," I laughed a drunken laugh. I knew if I was sober, id probably be more hurt than I am now. but I've done about twenty-two shots and had four beers. I am wasted.

"what an asshole," Luke said, pulling away from my hands and walking towards oliver.

oh shit.


I ran to find Ansleigh, and once I found her I grabbed her arm and drug her to the bathroom, not entering it, just standing by the door so we could see oliver and luke plain as day.

"what's he doing?" She asked.

"fuck, I don't know," I replied.

Luke gently tapped on the girls shoulder and she looked up at him. he motioned for her to get up an she did. she walked towards us, and entered the restroom. we watched Luke & Oliver.
seemed to me like they were having a innocent little conversation, but what the hell do I know? I'm dunk.

"OH SHIT," I heard Ansleigh scream.
"LUKE CHILL," she ran over there, I followed.

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you, you wanna fight? Come on Bitch," oliver slurred.

"Chill," I said, stepping between the two.

"get the fuck out of the way, bitch," oliver said.

"FUCK YOU," I yelled, slapping him. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him out of the door. Ansleigh & Alex followed.

Jordan was sitting on the patio talking to Emma. "Jordan, let's go," Alex said.

"what's wrong?" Emma asked.

"Oliver is a fucking dumbass that's what's wrong," I spat.

"ouch," she giggled.

I've never met Emma, but she seems nice.

"I'll call you later, I miss you, goodnight, love you," Jordan said to Emma before ending their FaceTime.

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