182 cheezits

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we pulled up into a crowded parking lot, and sky turned the car off. I sighed heavily in excitement. blink 182 was one of my favorite bands and I cannot believe she did this for me. she's the best, and I love her so much.
I remember the first time I met her. like it was yesterday. i honestly can say that we're so close and she's my bestfriend. she dated one of my old high school friends, and I seen her on his Instagram page and I decided to text her, I remember the date. October 3rd.
and ever since then, we've been closer than most teenage friends.

sky and I walked over to the bat once we were inside, we grabbed two beers and waited for the first band. after we finished our drinks, we pushed our way up to the front of the stage. we were literally about 4 feet away from the stage, which was awesome.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed. she smiled at me showing me all of her teeth, which she rarely does. she looks so happy. oliver really has helped.

"I'm glad! I've missed you so much!" she said.

"I know!! seems like it's been forever since we've had us time. it's been too long. are you sure you're wanting me on tour with you and oli?" I asked. I don't want to ruin their time alone. even though they really won't be alone. but you get what I'm saying.

"I'm positive. I need my bestfriend with me twenty-four seven. it'd be weird traveling the world without you. you're my sister, and I wouldn't want to travel with anyone else," she said. that made me smile.

"you're the best, I love you," I gave her a warm smile as the first band came out.

PVRIS played a few songs, then out came issues. they're great but I was waiting for blink 182. they're awesome and I love their music. it's like my soap operas. and i listen to them when I'm stressed out or upset. they make life much easier and I'm going to meet them. Jesus.

///SKY'S POV\\\

after blink 182 preformed, I watched Ansleigh take off to meet them. I seen how happy she looked at them and I am so glad that she's getting to meet them. she's talked about seeing them in concert so many times, but I've never been able to afford tickets but oliver got there. man he's the best. always looking out for me. and this time, he made my bestfriend the happiest person alive, which makes me happy, too.

Ansleigh got caught up in talking with them, so I walked over to her to speak as well. because, why not?

"hiya guys. how's it going?" I said.

"hi mate, it's going great. what about yourself?" Travis spoke up.

"same. so, I'm sorry if Ansleigh is bothering you guys, she just really talks about you a lot and loves your band. and my boyfriend got her and I tickets," I said.

"she's actually cool as fuck. pretty nice of your boyfriend to buy her tickets," Travis again spoke. the others were eating cheezits and playing a racing game on the xbox.

"well he didn't buy them, he got them for free from his manager," I said.

"huh? what? manager?" he seemed confused.

"her boyfriend is oliver sykes!!" Ansleigh stated.

"really? ah. great guy, great singer , too , how'd you two meet ? " he asked.

"uh, actually, oliver an I met at a tattoo shop in London, he's my tattoo artists nephew and he did my tattoo for me. I had no idea who he was," I said and a laugh followed behind my statement.

"so how'd you figure out he was famous and in a band?" he asked.

"I work at hottopic, and after he and I went on a so-called 'date', I seen him on a shirt in there and my co-worker told me all about it and I confronted him while he was over at my apartment and he told me everything. I love heavy metal and I don't know why I've never heard of his band before but they're great and Ansleigh and I are touring with Bring Me The Horizon , All Time Low, and Black Veil Brides," I said calmly.

"damn. that's cool, how do you feel about that Ansleigh? hey, let's go grab some coffee and maybe a bagel Ansleigh?" Travis asked her.

"sure!" she accepted.

"HEY. WHAT ABOUT ME?" I yelled.

"you're more than welcome to come along too," Travis said.

"I know, but I'm not, I think I'll call oliver to come get me. ans, here's my keys. call me when you leave," I said hugging her. I whispered in her ear, "don't do anything with him, don't get drunk because I doubt he's taking you I starbucks, remember, alex!!"

she smiled and nodded, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said and proceeded to dial Oliver's number. his beautiful accented voice noted "hello," on the second ring.

"hi, sky's going off to grab some coffee with Travis, come get me?" I questioned.

"wait, Travis from blink 182?"

"yes, I know right, she said you're the best!" I said.

"wow, but alright, I'm leaving now. I'll be there in five, love you babygirl," he said before he hung up.

I sat outside on the bench beside the front door, smoking a cigarette, and watching two girls, and one guy, smoke a blunt. I could hit that so hard right now, but Oliver's car pulled up, and I knew he wouldn't want to stay here and smoke a joint with three people we didn't know. he exited the car and proceeded to walk towards me, I stood and wiped my butt of anything that might've been there. I gave him a small smile and said, "hi, thanks for coming to get me."

"you know it's no problem, anything for my girl. hey, wanna go grab a bite to eat at Olive Garden? they're great," he asked.

I processed what he was asking me for a minute. did he really just ask me out to eat... I wanted to throw up.

"I... I-uh. I'm not hungry. I'd rather just go on home," I lied. I was really hungry, but the thought of gaining unnecessary weight made me not too hungry anymore. why add fat that doesn't need to be there?

he looked at me, and gave a heavy, annoyed sigh.

"Sky, look, I know you may not believe this, but believe me if you'd like, I love you. and I love every inch of your body. no matter your size, it doesn't change the way I feel about you at all. what clothing size you are, does not change your personality, doesn't change who
you are. you're extremely important toe and I cannot lose you. please, eat something for me, even if it's just a small portion, that's better than nothing at all. we can take baby steps, and I promise that I will be here for everything. I swear that," he encouraged.

by this time I was crying and he pulled me into a hug. in his arms, I felt safe.

"please?" he asked after a moment of silence.

I gave a tiny nod, just so he could feel. I was still nuzzled into his chest and he laid his chin upon my head. his Drop Dead hoodie, full of his sent. it soothed me. I felt his face form into a smiling one, and I smiled, too. his happiness, is my happiness. God knows im thankful for him.

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