meeting jackson

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*surprise photo of oliver little brother, (in MY story) jackson. he's a cutie 😍 and tbh, his snake bites are sexy asf.*

"aye buddy!!" someone from behind the counter of Starbucks said to oliver.
oliver smiled and said "what's up bro." and they did the little hand shake bullshit.

"who's this babe?" he asked. his name tag said 'jordan'.

"my date for the day. sky, jordan, jordan, sky. sky, this is my bestfriend. he'll probably show up at my house and hang with us when he gets off." oli said.

"hi." I said smiling at jordan. "dude! your shirt is fucking lit! where'd you get it??" I exclaimed, a little too excitedly.

"the one and only oliver sykes, owns the company 'Drop Dead' and he gets us new shirts and shit from drop dead every time they get something new out. but thanks mate." he said looking at me, to oliver.

"wow. so you really do own 'Drop Dead'. pretty impressive." I said.

"dude, she dosent know!?" jordan exclaimed, punching oliver on the arm.

"yeah, I know." oliver said chuckling.

"um... know what?" I asked looking up at oliver, who was like, three feet taller than me.

"you'll eventually find out." jordan said.

"okay...?" I said.


we got our coffee, said bye to jordan and headed to oli's house.

"jordan's cool." I said sipping my pumpkin spice coffee.

"very." he replied taking a bite off of his chocolate pop he'd bought at Starbucks.


we walked down a really long trail, or driveway. I didn't know what to call is, it was so long.

we finally reached an extremely large white house. when I said his home was huge, there was no more elaborating on how big it was.

he and I walked up to the door and he unlocked it.

"welcome to my humble home. ladies first." he said using his free arm to escort me in.

"I uh, I don't know where to go." I said laughing.

"JACKSON GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE. IN THE LOUNGE ROOM! NOW!" oliver yelled. "go straight."

I went straight.

"OKAY, YOU FUCKHEAD." jackson called to oli.

oliver led me into a room with a 90 inch flat screen television, fire place, three huge couches, seven stereo speakers, and a large glass coffee table in it.

oliver flopped down on one of the couches and said, "come on, don't be shy. sit down."

I took a seat beside him when two people walked in, a male and female.

"god dammit jackson what have I told you about having your fuck buddies over when I'm coming home for a few days?" oliver said to jackson.

"sorry bro, but this is Cali. she was helping me with a project for school. no fucking her. hell no. ew. who's this?" jackson said looking at me with a smirk on his lips.

'damn, he's even cuter than what I pictured him to be. he and oli don't look anything alike. bruh, jackson is fucking sexy.' I thought.

"sky." oliver said taking the remote off of the coffee table. jackson looked to the short, chunky girl who wore a flowered dress with white knock off converse. she was looking down at her shoes and reached up to tuck a lose strand of hair behind her big ear.
"I think you should go. thanks for doing my work. see ya." he said to the shy girl. she looked up to me and a tear fell from her face. she whispered "ok," to jackson and walked towards the front door.

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