i dont know if ill forgive you

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possible trigger warning in this chapter. read at your own risk. I'll let it be known when it's about to happen though.

///SKY'S POV\\\

I bit down on my bottom lip as I remembered what happened last night. the memories of the way he touched me. so gentle, yet so fierce. his touch made my entire body numb. his touch made me wet as fuck.

I smiled a huge smile when
I turned over on to my left side to meet a sleepy oliver. he groaned and covered his eyes when I whispered, "wake up!"

I giggled and he twisted over.

"but oli," I begged, "I wanna go get starbucks and pancakes. I think I want to eat some pancakes. I'm hungry... should I eat... you know what, nevermind that, imma go back to sleep," I added.

"NOPE. UP AND AT IT SUNSHINE. STARBUCKS AND IHOP IT IS!" he cheered. he was already half way to the bathroom when he turned and finished, "oh yeah. last night was great!"

I just laughed and threw the cover off of me so I could grab some clothes I had left at Oliver's house from the last time I crashed there; and take a shower.

"I call shower first!" I hollered racing towards the bathroom upstairs.

"NO MATE , NO !" he argued back flat on my heels behind me.

"YES. WAIT - NO! OLIVER SCOTT SYKES PUT ME DO-" I yelled before I fell slap on the floor, oliver hovering over me, ticking my sides.

"not until you say I shower first," he poked at my ribs.


"shower with me," he suggested.

"okay, just stop ticking and poking at me," I ordered.

he climbed off of me and raced to the bathroom, turning on the water and undressing out of his boxers. I guess he got up last night and put some on to go downstairs to get something to drink or eat. I don't know but I was naked. what if jackson seen me? no, he wouldn't come up here.
so I grabbed my clothes off of the floor and walked in the bathroom, shutting the door behind me; locking it as well.

I checked the time on my phone, 12:38 a.m.

we slept in too late, but it was saturday and I didn't have work.


I unlocked my phone and went to my music, I turned on Asking Alexandia's 'I Won't Give In' and followed oliver into the shower. it was hot. it felt nice against my bare back, but burned the newly cut skin on my wrists. they're about three days old. no one knew about them until now. I guess oliver didn't pay too close of attention last night. which relieves me.

"what the hell sky?" he asked, angered.

"oliver, no, I don't want to talk about it!" I shrieked, pulling my wrists out of sight.

"too bad. we're talking. now," he ordered.

"no," I argued.

"dammit sky, yes!" he fought back.

"ha. no," I said cooly.

"YES," he nearly screamed.

"don't you raise your voice at me!" I cried.

he scared me.

"shut up, why the fuck are you still cutting? I thought you said you'd stopped for good!" he yelled. again.


"SKYLAN GRACE WHY?" he yelled.

"because," I sternly said through gritted teeth. "they're fucking three days old. get over it dammit."

"no. I won't, you're giving me your extra blades," he stated.

"no I'm not," I argued. again. ha.

"YES THE FUCK YOU ARE!" he yelled grabbing my cut up wrist. it hurt and I cried in pain.

"let me go, let me go oliver!" I screamed.

his grip tightened, causing one not-all-the-way-healed cut began to bleed.
my blood was thick; covering his hand and the bottom of the shower. but he didn't let go.

"oli, you're hurting me," I say weakly.

blood splattered from my wrist heavier than I expected. it stained my skin; the liquid was warmer than the water. I lost too much blood. the wound had been busted open. two of them now that I look closely. my vision became white and blurry, I screamed one more time.

"LET ME GO OLI, please," I whimpered.

the white blurriness took me over and I felt the bottom of the shower on my bum.

A Little BrokenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora