Olive Garden and Fuck talks.

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there's a smut in this chapter to fulfill your dirty minds my loves. here's your warning if you don't like smuts. don't read this chapter.

///SKY'S POV\\\

oliver and I piled into his car and headed to Olive Garden. I'd never been there, but I loved all types of pasta when I was younger. when I wasn't afraid to eat...

the car ride was about 45 minutes. I enjoy long car rides with oliver and Ansleigh. they're so much fun and the two of them make it hilarious. and I'm in it for the music, too. I can jam so loud and not have to worry about anyone shouting my name.

once we'd arrived, I opened my car door, beating oliver to the task, I stepped out and pulled my beanie down over my ears. I dusted my shirt off of anything that might had been there, and I took a deep breath.  oliver walked over to me, smiled a big smile, and took hold of my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine. I swear I love him. I really do. his hand was a lot bigger than mine was, which made holding his hand, a thousand times more romanticishy or whatever.
I felt safe with him. we walked through the doors, and waited to be directed to our table. a girl, she seemed to be around my age, took us to our table and we ordered our drinks and our food, also.  she came back within fifteen minutes with a tray with two plates sitting upon it. she took one down and placed it infront of oli, and the other, infront of me. she smiled, "anything else for you two?" she asked.

"we're all good. thank you," oliver greeted.

I took a long look down at the pasta lying upon the glass plate. then, I looked over to the fork, wrapped up with cloth.

'how fancy' I thought.

I took a deep breath one last time and glanced at oliver. he hadnt touched his plate either, little did I know he'd been watching me. that's embarrassing.

"oh- uh... I'm sorry, it's just taking me a minute to think if I really want to go through with this, you know, it's tough. I don't want to be fat," I said holding my own hands in my lap.

"and you don't have to be fat. it's called healthy eating for a reason. if you want to be healthy, you have to eat. if you don't lie around all day eating fat cakes, you're not going to be fat, either way, you're still going to be perfect. I love you," he said taping my nose, and hand motioning towards my plate. I sighed and picked up the fork. oli did the same. I twisted and twirled my fork around in the pasta on my plate until I decided to take a bite. I slowly lifted the fork towards my mouth, and put it in. the warm noodles were soothing on my tongue and it was delicious. i wanted more.
I finally ate all of the pasta, and oliver ate all of his too. he looked at me with a blank expression which worried me a little.

"are you okay?" I asked.

"huh? oh. yeah. I'm fine, how was it?" he replied. I didn't believe him. he kept staring behind me, so I took a quick turn around in my seat. I seen normal people eating their food. nothing unusual.

"I don't believe you, what's going on, you're scaring me," I said. I started shaking.

"hey, hey, I'm okay, I promise. it's just that guy over there... he looks a lot like Jackson, does he not? or is if just me? I can't get a good look at his face," he said.

so I turned around once more, and looked towards the booth oliver had pointed to. sure enough, it was jackson.

"as a matter-of-fact, that is him, why? what's the big problem with him being here? he's eating, just like you and I," I said. I wasn't too sure at with why it was such a big deal with his brother being here.

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