"but i only seen water..."

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///OLI'S POV\\\

"LET ME GO OLI, please," she whimpered.

I was so angry at her I didn't notice how bad I was hurting her. I didn't even notice the blood pouring out of her wrists. I came back to reality when she fell to the floor of the shower.
i am pathetic.
I quickly turned the shower off and picked her body up and wrapped the biggest towel I had around sky and I's body. I ran downstairs with her body in my arms.

"JACKSON. I NEED YOU TO DRIVE SKY TO THE ER RIGHT NOW," I screamed. I made sure her body was covered good, as jackson stumbled through the hall way.

his face became pale when he laid eyes on her. "now," I said sternly.

he grabbed her body and took off out the door. I ran upstairs and put somd clothes on and ran out for the car as well.


"I'm sorry? I don't believe I understand what's going on here," the dumb blond nurse said.

"can we see someone else please," I asked as nice as I could.

"I'm the only one here! hi, I'm
Monica, I'll be your nurse. what happened?" she said. for the fifth time.

"just get me a fucking doctor before I report you," I threatened.

she came to. she did as I asked.

soon, we were in a room, and sky was hooked to tons of IV's and needles. the nurses kept poking and proding at her body. taking blood test, watching her breathing, monitoring her heart rate; tending to her cuts.

this was my fault. again I am the reason she's in the hospital. I'm so fucking pathetic, and stupid, and ignorant. I always hurt the people I love. god, why. why me. really...? why me?

///SKY'S POV\\\

I opened my eyes. well, I tried. they seemed to be glued shut. I tried to rub them with my hands, but I felt a pinch in my inner elbow and an alarm started going off. I immediately jerked them open because the beeping startled me. there were balloons, and cards, and flowers beside the bed I lie in. I'm confused. I don't know where I am until I look over at the monitor beside me; to my left.

yay, the hospital

why can't they let me BE!
leave me
let me
die you pricks.
I don't want to
I don't wanna live to see another fuckin

I kept assuming I attempted again, but I don't remember it; I don't recall it, and I don't recall going through something tough in a few weeks so I keep coming to the conclusion that I didn't try and kill myself. but my arm is bandaged up. I so
oh my god.


after a few minutes of being lost in thought, a blond nurse came in.

"EEI! you're awake! hi!! I'm Monica!!" she skreetched a little too happy.

"um, hello. could you tell me why I am here?" I ask trying to get some memory back.

but I only seen water.....

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