As we walked towards the doors, my heart began to pound. I didn't know why I was nervous but my stomach was uneasy. I adjusted the snap-back on my head and then walked through the doors, following Caspar to the elevator. I looked out for Zoë and Alfie but when I didn't see them, I could only assume that they were either later than us or with Alyssa. I was assuming the latter.

Just before the doors could close, I managed to slip inside. Caspar was already inside, pressing a button. I watched as the doors slid shut and once they did, I leaned on the railing and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It was almost relieving that Alyssa was finally coming home and she didn't have to be cooped up in that room any longer. She had progressed a lot since that first incident two weeks ago, but the pain was another story, one that I didn't exactly want to think about in this moment.

After a few seconds, the door slid back open and Caspar and I stepped out. I looked down at my hands, making sure that I had everything. My phone was in my hand and my things were in my backpack. I looked up only to see my sister coming towards me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Why did you two take so long?"

"Well, Caspar-"

"Shut up, Joe."

"I'm not even going to ask," she said quickly before spinning on her heel and walking down the hall. Caspar and I shared a look before we reluctantly followed her down the hall and into Alyssa's room. Alfie was the only one in there, listening as Doctor Wilson held up a bottle of pills. I looked around the room, wondering why Alyssa's parents weren't here before I remembered that they had to leave two days ago to go back to Canada.

"Medication for the pain. Maximum twice a day. These are the strong ones that come into effect after ten or fifteen minutes of ingesting. Only take them when you need to."

I saw Alfie nod at that and then I stepped into the room, closing the door behind me. Zoë was leaning against the wall, listening intently to what Dr. Wilson had to say. Caspar was zoned-out and I, well I was staring at Alyssa. Her brown eyes were watching me curiously, which only made me jittery. My hands were strung together, my fingers clawing at my palms as she tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows. Alyssa and I were having a silent conversation, and I didn't notice that everyone was staring at me until Caspar cleared his throat awkwardly.


"I wanted to make sure that you got all of that, but you were uh-"

"You were too busy staring at me, Joe." Alyssa offered, smirking as Dr. Wilson let out a soft laugh at the expression on my face. I was blushing hard, and the fact that one girl could have such an effect on me scared me shitless. Which only caused my face to go red.

"Back to what I was saying," I heard Dr. Wilson say, and this time I was actually listening. "You're going to have to sign these discharge papers and then you're free to go. We have an appointment scheduled in six weeks to see how that leg of yours is. Although there isn't a cast on it anymore, just make sure to keep the bandage on and don't put pressure on it. That's what the crutches are for."

Alyssa nodded to this, and looked at me to make sure that I was listening. I shook my head at her, trying to hide my smile by biting my lip. Alyssa raised her eyebrows, her eyes widening. I looked at her, confused as Dr. Wilson looked back and forth between the two of us, clearly amused. I smiled sheepishly at her and watched as she handed Alyssa the papers. She quickly read it over and then signed, handing it back.

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