I pulled on the hood of my sweater and tugged at the strings, tightening the hood around my face. It was sunny enough to put on sunglasses, which I did. I brushed my hair down, so that it would cover my face some more, maybe make me look like some pathetic kid who was skipping school. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I stepped carefully out of the apartment, into the sun, and completely vulnerable to squealing idiots.

I climbed onto the bus that would take me home. After paying, I sat in the very back beside a big, shabby man as I always did. He gave me a faint smile and I felt obliged to smile back. This man probably didn’t know who I was, so he was surely only being friendly.

As the bus rumbled along the roads, I snuck another look at the man I sat next to. For a second, I considered moving to that empty seat right across the aisle. Damn he was the scariest dude ever. He clothes were faded and muddy, he looked like he hadn’t shaved in years and his stench was thick of cigarette smoke, which I preferred not to smell. At least that’d keep other people away.

Glancing at the man again, I wondered if I should give him money. He looked like he’d need it more than I would. Then again, that’d be insulting to him.

The bus slowed to a stop, it seemed to wheeze from the effort of carrying people.

“Excuse me,” the man said. I shifted so that he could get pass me and he lumbered off. I noticed a little girl cover her nose as he walked by. I winced, feeling sorry for the man. The girl’s mother nudged her saying, “Don’t cover your nose! That’s rude.” in a hushed voice.

“But he smells bad!” the girl whined. Her mother only sighed and let it drop.

Once the man and several other people got off, a whole crowd of people climbed on, sadly they were my age. One of them, a blond chatty girl, sat in a seat near mine. All her friends sat next to her. One of them, a platinum blond girl with brown roots nudged me. “Can I sit here?” she asked with a flirty smile, her voice was piercingly high. She was wearing a thin shirt with a disgustingly low collar. She had on the most idiotically short shorts and had some tattoo on her shin.

It took almost all my willpower to not say no and bring attention to myself. I shrugged, and scooted over.

Most of the time, as the herd of giggly bitches talked, I ignored them. Until one mentioned Hourglass.

“Omigod, did you, like, get the new album yet?” one squealed. She had layers of makeup caked on her face. I wondered what she looked like without it. “I just love Hourglass!” she giggled- again.

“I totally did!” the girl sitting next to me exclaimed.

“Oh Angela, you are so lucky!” the first blond said. “Can I borrow it when you’re done?” Angela smiled.

“Sure, but you should buy it on your own!” Oh, Ken would like this Angela character. The more people who bought our albums, the better.

One girl, with jet black her that reached her waist placed her elbows on her knees. Her hair brushed over her arms. “I’ve never actually heard any of their songs,” she said.

For shame!

The makeup girl gasped. “Emma! You like, so should! They are the best!” Emma shrugged.

Thank you, makeup girl. You are sounding better and better.

“I just think they’re hot. They’re personality seem pretty okay though.” Emma added. The blond, the makeup girl, and Angela seemed to think of this as good enough. I was ready to right then slap Emma’s damn ugly face.

Suddenly, the blond’s face snapped up, she glared at me. “Why are you, like, totally staring at us?” she accused. Her clique giggled insanely. I turned my head away slowly and went back to looking out the window. Thank god they didn’t know who I was.

“Yeah I’m talking to you!” she snapped. I didn’t turn around. Angela giggled some more.

“Leave him alone Brittany!”

“I won’t!” Brittany, the blond, was giggling now too. “Common, tell me. Look at me when I’m talking to you! Why were you staring? That’s just rude!”

Just then I saw my stop looming into view. Brittany went on lecturing my “failed manners”. As the bus slowed to a stop I stood up with a sigh.

“You’re leaving now? Tell me why you were staring! Eavesdropping? You creep!”

“’Cause you were talking about my band.”

Alas, instead of being able to make a grand exit right then, some old lady stepped in front of me. She hobbled slowly to the door. This was enough for the giggly girls.

“For real? Omigod! I like, so couldn’t tell! Why are you wearing stuff like that? So, you are like, Tye, right? This is amazing! I know- right? Can I have your autograph? I love you!” They all talked at once, grabbing at my hands and clawing my back. I heard a camera flash. The people on the bus looked at the girls oddly, curious at the commotion.

The lady in front of me dropped her bag of groceries. The people around us pulled their feet back, only making the cans of food roll around more. I sighed and grudgingly picked up some of the things, helping the woman. She thanked me, commenting on what a nice young man I was. The girls behind me sighed dreamily.

I was nice? I didn’t really help because I felt sorry for the old lady. It’s because no one else was and we both needed to get off the bus. I guess that’s what being nice means. The bus driver barked at us to hurry it up.

When I started walking home, I got multiple goodbyes. One, from the old lady thanking me again, and more from idiotic girls pressing their faces desperately on the window and blowing kisses.

God, they probably even had boyfriends. That’s why I hate all those fans. They act like they know you, they’re devoted to you, when they’re just the freaking opposite.


I liked this chappie :) That last scene, with the weird girls, actually happened to me XD it was a little different though. She thought I was talking about her, and then I couldn't stop laughing. She was sooo pissed. I might upload the exact convo one day.

Well, I was thinking of killing off one of the members in Hourglass. I already know who I would but I'm not sure... Or maybe they'll just go to the hospital for a while so I don't have to write about them much... What do you think? I don't want to get rid of him, but I keep forgetting he's there. I wanna kill him offfff.... -.-

So... you like? I think it's a little longer, maybe? Hope you enjoyed and will comment or vote! or fan. or read. :D

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