Chapter 6

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My thoughts throughout the night were not focused on sleep, but that sweet wisp of my grandmother's voice. Trena's whispers grew more with panic as their discussion wore on. Soon, a slight bicker and a sense of hopelessness was greatly evident within the argument.

I had turned away, so as to cast the illusion that I was asleep, however my eyes were kept wide open. My ears didn't need to strain much longer, as the argument climaxed as well as Trena's loud temper.

"I can't, Mom. I just can't."

"But where would she go? I can't care for a child while I work at a hospital nearly more than I am actually home. And she mustn't stay here, the maximum for shock is only three days. And in case you haven't noticed, Trena, tomorrow would be the third day." Wow, it has already been two days since my mother died...

"Well, there's no room at my house!" Trena really doesn't want me, does she? I thought.

"Honey, she lived in a two-bedroom dump. Hell, anything would be better!" Elena did have a point, and she knew she'd finally won, too.

I heard sniffling of what I thought was Trena stifling a sob. She said, "I just can't... Do you know who I saw when I first looked at her?"

"I know, sweetheart, I know. But I won't put her in the System, and have her wait all her life to be adopted, when we are both more than capable to care for her. She's already sixteen!"

"Yeah, but I don't want to wake up every morning, and make toast for the reason he's dead!" her words sunk in as regret burned in my throat. Why did I even ask for a home? A family?

"Sofie is NOT the reason of his death! He is! He snuffed himself out, remember? He quit on his life!" My grandmother was angry now.

"He only quit on life because he knew he'd spend the rest of it behind bars!"

"That's quite enough, Trena! Sofie will be accepted into your home warmly, because God knows she never was by her own mother... Now I'm off to end my shift and I suggest you go in the morning and make room for her to stay."

As Elena left she added, "Oh, and Sofie will never be told of what a monster he was, understand?"

"Yes," Trena knew there was no reason in debating her point over again. Instead, she plopped herself into a leather chair behind me, with a huff. She slept on through the night.

I, however, had spent the remainder of my evening hours comprehending what was discussed between my aunt and grandmother.

What did Trena mean when she said he would have been behind bars? And even worse, what did Elena mean by not telling me of what a monster he'd become? Who is "He"? The questions began to get more far-fetched and ridiculous. To the point when I realized I was dreaming.

And so I slept on, with not a clue in the world as to where Trena lived, or if she'd be a good "motherly figure." All I knew for sure, and trust me, I hated admitting it to myself... Trena does not want me. So, I shall act as if what was heard tonight, was never eavesdropped upon my unknowing ears. Also, I should do my best to convince Trena that I am a good person, even through I'm far from it.

This too shall work. Trena will grow to love me. And I'll be sure it's true.

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