Chapter 20: Death Takes What Is His

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He saw stars as his head briefly collided with the ground, and felt a trickle of warmth down the side of his head; he must have gashed his head when he fell. Draco groaned, as he held up a hand before his eyes. His fingers were coated with red. Grimacing, he returned his hand to its former death grip on the wound in his side.

“Bellatrix, enough!” Dolohov shouted. “You’re taking this too far!”

Draco was looking up at him, when he spotted something else. His eyes widened and he paled. He recognized that figure…the grey pallor, the one clouded eye…Death. He heard the menacing chuckle within his mind, as he scrabbled for the pendant around his neck. With horrified realization, he saw that the eyes of the serpent had darkened completely. They were pitch black.

Time to pay up, the voice of Death cackled in his mind.

No…I just need a little bit more time…a little more time…it hasn’t been a year yet!

Everyone in the room slowly became aware of the ethereal being, and Bellatrix and Dolohov backed away slightly. Death smiled wickedly. “Please…carry on…I do enjoy a good show. Perhaps, if I am pleased…I may see fit to grant you a certain wish of yours,” he suggested, his good eye landing on Bellatrix. She seemed unnerved by the other eye, which was turned in her direction, seemingly sightless. But then, understanding dawned on her, and her lips curved in a smirk.

“Of course…and I know exactly what I shall ask for,” she snarled. Death lifted his chin in approval, before raising his hands.

His voice echoed darkly, as he chanted something. There was a loud cracking sound, and then suddenly a chasm appeared in the floor in front of him. Even from his prone position, Draco could see that a vortex appeared in the chasm. A portal to the Land of the Dead, he realized. That could only mean one thing. Death was here to take what was his. “Sirena!” he cried in desperation. “Help us!” His vision was becoming blurred, as blood began to run into his eyes.

Draco searched the room, but there was no response. Dolohov and Bellatrix were beginning to square off, and Lucius was standing on the other side of the altar, staring at Death. The chasm was gaping before him. No one was watching Harry or Lily. Wincing, Draco dragged himself closer to the altar where Harry was lying, and he reached up, taking Harry’s hand in his. “Harry…” he whispered.

Harry’s eyes opened blearily. “Draco…I’m so sorry,” he murmured in reply. “But my time’s up…”

“No, Harry…I won’t let you go…” The ground shook beneath them, and Harry let out a small cry of pain as he was shaken roughly. Draco felt as if his arm was being yanked out of its socket, as Harry slid towards the edge of the altar. Draco’s grasp tightened; if Harry fell off, he might miss the ground entirely, and fall into the vortex…

“Lily,” Harry gasped hoarsely. Draco’s eyes fell towards the basket that held their daughter, and his eyes widened in terror. Her basket was dangerously close to the edge of the rift in the ground…but so was Harry, who was now teetering on the edge of the altar.

Death laughed, as spells began to fly between Dolohov and Bellatrix. “Which is it going to be, Draco Malfoy? Your husband or your daughter?” Draco’s gaze whipped between the two. If he let go of Harry’s hand to grab Lily…Harry could very well lose his balance and fall in…but if he did nothing…Lily would be lost.

“Draco, look at me.” Draco’s forced his gaze to meet Harry’s. His Inima’s breath came in ragged gasps. “Get Lily out of here…okay? Save her…not me.”


Lucius turned, his eyes slightly unfocused. Draco looked up at him, knowing his father could easily take a step closer to Harry, and pull him away from Draco, sending him plummeting to his death. Or he could take a step closer to Lily, and send her basket over the side. “Father,” he whispered pleadingly. “Please…help me…”

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