Chapter 6: Regaining Love Lost

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She spoke words that were of no language that he recognized. Her voice seemed to grow colder, and Draco and the others shivered, suddenly feeling chilled. It’s the language of Death, he realized. Her hand seemed ordinary for a few moments, then the air around it began to warp. Draco was reminded of heat waves that could be seen radiating off hot stone in the sunlight, the air quivering slightly.

The temperature of the room began to drop rapidly, and everyone, save Sirena herself, shivered once more. A cold, blue light formed in front of them all, and Draco took a step backwards, as an icy gust of wind rushed out from its center. There was a cracking sound, like ice breaking.

“The portal is opened,” said Sirena, her expression stony.

Draco looked at her apprehensively, then looked back at Hermione, who gave him an encouraging nod. He hesitated, and both Pansy and Hermione rushed forward.

“You’ll be okay,” Pansy said softly, while Hermione nodded.

“Bring Harry back, okay?” she whispered. “We all need him back. I know you can do it.” Draco met her gaze evenly.

“I’m not leaving without him,” he quietly said. Their gazes said it all; Hermione knew that if Harry were not able to come back, then Draco would stay with him.

“Goodbye,” she said, as a preliminary caution. “Take care.”

Blaise clapped Draco on the shoulder. “Be careful, mate,” was all he said, before he nodded. “I don’t want to lose my best mate, so make sure to kick arse, and bring Harry with you.”

Draco smirked. “Death stands no chance,” he said lightly, before turning towards the portal. Taking a deep breath, he stepped through it, his love for Harry washing over him. The pain and grief he’d felt at Harry’s death nearly overwhelmed him suddenly, and he felt as though the warm love he felt was being ignored, in light of the new misery and despair. But he held his chin high, and pressed on.

Passing through the portal was like passing through a bowl of jelly, he noted. Time seemed to slow, and though a multitude of cold, harsh lights flashed by, he kept a calm, clear head. Slowly, the Room of Requirement disappeared, along with his friends. Even Sirena was nowhere to be seen, though Draco could swear he saw her eyes peering out at him from amongst the lights. It comforted him, though he could not prove that she was watching and guiding him.

It was forever, and yet only a few seconds, when Draco finally stepped through. A wave of vertigo swept over him, and he closed his eyes, swaying. When he opened them, they widened.

This was a bleak, lifeless land. For miles, it seemed that there was nothing but a dull brownish-grey plain. The only recognizable object here seemed to be dirt and rocks. No one else was around.

Alright, I can work with this.

Squaring his jaw, Draco took a step forward, knowing it was a wild guess. There was no guarantee it was the right direction. But by Merlin’s beard, he was going to find Harry. Nothing was going to stop him.

Not even a hike through the Land of the Dead.

~ + ~

He should have brought supplies, though he wasn’t sure they would have made it through with him. Draco felt as though a giant piece of leather was in his mouth, though he knew it was just his tongue, dry and useless. There had been nothing to prepare him for this agony.

He stopped again for a short rest, regaining his breath. It had been three hours since he’d first started walking, and it had started to steadily grow warmer. Good sign? He wasn’t sure.

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