Chapter 7: Downward Spiral

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A/N: So, I'm considering entering Escaping Darkness into the Wattys...should I? And if I do, will y'all vote as many times as you can for every chapter? And advertise it to your friends? :)

Short chapter this time. Sorry. But necessary. :3 The plot will be kicking up here soon.

Zwerple, another dedication for you, for being such an awesome, threatening person. :) The rest of you...Refavoment please! Ciao!


There was another flash that nearly blinded them both. Draco felt Harry sagging in his arms weakly, and, concerned, he held him tightly to his chest, supporting Harry’s weight with his own. The flash faded, and Draco blinked, the Room of Requirement coming into focus. Hermione, Pansy, and Blaise were all staring at them, wide mouthed. “You just left, and now you’re back?” Blaise whispered, confused. Apparently no time had passed.

Draco shrugged, a happy grin settling over his face, as Hermione shrieked, “Oh, Harry!” before flinging herself at him. Harry staggered weakly, as the force drove the breath from him.

“Hermione,” he choked.

Draco gingerly removed Harry from her grasp. “He’s feeling the effects of the journey,” he said gently. “Let’s get him seated first.” Hermione’s eyes brightened in understanding, and they all moved to the couches, where Pansy and Blaise proceeded to mimic Hermione’s enthusiastic greeting, awkwardly hugging the seated Harry.

Draco sat beside Harry, arm around his Inima. He never wanted to let go again. Hermione sat on the floor by Harry’s feet, her eyes studying her best friend. “Never do that to me again,” she murmured. Harry looked apologetic.

“I had to…you know that,” he said quietly, looking at his hands, which were clasped in his lap.

Draco rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. “Look, what happened, happened,” he sighed. “I don’t want to even remember the past few months. Let’s just focus on living our lives now…”

“What was it like?” Blaise interjected.

Harry shuddered. “I was treated well, but it was still horrible.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Death took every opportunity he could to taunt me with horrid visions…it was worse than being connected to Voldemort.” A haunted look came into his eyes. “Please…don’t ask me to go into any more detail. I don’t want to ever think about it…”

“You don’t have to,” Draco soothed. “Let’s talk about the other problems at hand…like, how are we going to explain your sudden reappearance?”

Hermione smiled. “Already taken care of,” she said triumphantly. “It has been released to one humble Rita Skeeter, who doesn’t want certain information leaked about her, and she has agreed to write an article detailing an ancient ritual that revives a lost Inima. Unfortunately, that means that your marriage, as well as the fact that you are Inimae, is now public information.” She looked apologetic. Draco shrugged.

“Saves us the hassle of making up a new story,” he said amicably. “So that’s one problem solved…”

“What’s the other?” Pansy asked. Draco and Harry shared a long look.

“Death only let me go on one condition,” Harry muttered. Hermione’s eyes narrowed.

“And what was that?” she demanded. “Harry, you didn’t promise anything bad, did you?”

“Depends on how you look at it,” Draco said bitterly. “Death said we had to find another willing soul to take Harry’s place. We have one year to do so, otherwise he takes Harry back, forever.”

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