Chapter 13: Next Objective

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A/N: Alright, Zwerps, here you go. :) It's short, because I literally ran out of steam halfway through, but kept pushing because I knew I'd promised to at least upload today. So...I'll work on the next one when I can get my muse back...should be a day or two. :) Anyways, I'll upload asap. Refavoment please, and don't forget to vote for every single chapter on Escaping Darkness and 30 Ways, 'cause it makes Night happy. :3 And a happy Night uploads much faster. Likes are nice too. Ciao!


“She’s so tiny…”

Harry grinned up at Pansy, who was completely doe-eyed at the sight of the baby. “Most babies born of a wizard are smaller than normal,” he explained, recalling Madame Pomfrey’s words.

“What did you name her?”

“Lily Narcissa,” Draco answered. Pansy nodded in understanding, before turning back to Lily.

“Hi, Lily,” she said in a baby voice. “I’m so glad you finally came! We were waiting for you, weren’t we, Blaise?”

Blaise raised an eyebrow. “I’m not going to talk to her like that…” he complained. At Pansy’s glare, he sighed, and bent to look at Lily. “Hi, ‘ickle Lily,” he said brightly, mocking Pansy’s tone. “Ow, I tried, alright?”

Pansy raised her hand threateningly again. “And I’ll smack you again if you keep mocking me,” she said with a mischievous grin.

“Hey, no bad behavior in front of my daughter,” Harry laughed. “I want her to be a perfect angel, and you two aren’t exactly the best examples right now…”

“Hah! With you and Draco as parents?” Blaise snorted. Pansy smacked him again. “Ow, bugger off, will you? I wasn’t mocking you this time…”

“But you were being mean nonetheless,” Pansy sniffed.

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, Harry, Lily will grow up as sweet as can be.” She eyed Pansy and Blaise. “Even with their bickering.”

“Glad to have someone sensible around,” Draco commented. “I think we made a good choice in godparents, despite my reservations now…”

Pansy and Blaise stilled, then turned to look at him. Both Harry and Draco were smiling. “What?” Blaise said slowly.

“Harry and I wanted Hermione and Blaise to be godparents,” Draco continued.

 “So what do you say?” Harry glanced around at them. “Will you be godparents, Blaise, Hermione?”

“Pansy, we didn’t forget you,” Draco assured her. “You’re already the candidate for our next child’s godmother.”

“Another one?” Pansy groaned. “I have to be a godmother? That makes me sound old!” She grinned, and winked. “That’s fine by me. I can wait my turn.”

“Blaise and I would be happy to be Lily’s godparents,” Hermione beamed. Blaise nodded, a smile etched on his face.

“Great!” Harry grinned as he shifted positions, causing Lily to blink and let out a small wail. Draco made a face as Harry tried to calm her down, and stood.

“Not looking forward to the constant cries for attention,” he sighed. “But for now…”

“Draco, could you-?”

“On my way.” Harry grinned as the blonde left to go get a bottle from the kitchen, where Madame Pomfey had been kind enough to stock a few months’ worth of baby formula for Lily. Harry was still too weak to do much more than walk from the bedroom to the common room and back, exhausted from Lily’s birth two days before. Soon, Draco returned, and held out the bottle to Harry.

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