Chapter 5: Summoning the Siren

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A/N: Aaand...another filler chapter. :) I'm getting to the good part, don't worry. Hopefully this satisfies until my next update.


"What's bothering you?"

Draco didn't look up, instead watching his finger trace invisible patterns on the table in front of him. "What do you mean?" he asked quietly.

Severus crossed his arms. "Do not play dumb with me, Draco. I am not an idiot; do not treat me like one. I know something is bothering you. What is it?"

"Other than the fact that my Inima, my husband, is dead?" Draco snarled. Severus was taken aback by the sudden venom in his godson's voice.

"I will not tolerate that tone, young man," he said warningly.

"You are not my father, so don't order me around."

"I am your Professor, and you will treat me with respect," Severus snapped. "Now, stop trying to draw me away from the issue at hand: what is your problem?"

Draco glowered at him, before his angry expression fell, leaving behind a tired and mournful expression. It nearly broke Severus' heart, to see the utter despair and loneliness on Draco's face.

"I miss him," Draco whispered, so quiet Severus could barely hear him. "I miss him so much...and I'm so close to figuring out how to get him back."

This was news to Severus. "Get him back?"

Quickly, Draco explained about Sirena, the dreams from Harry (leaving out the horrific nightmares he had), and the news he had learned about being able to bring Harry back. "And now we think we've found the key to Death, the one that allows me to enter the Land of the Dead, and try to retrieve Harry," he finished.

"And what makes you so sure Death will give him up, and let you return?"

"Well, it is guaranteed that I can return. I don't know why that is, but I have no doubts on getting back. Even Death has boundaries. As for getting Death to give up Harry..." A determined look came over his face. "I am not giving up. I will get Harry back."

And he probably would, Severus noted. Even if Draco were running off sheer willpower, it would be enough to overthrow Death, hands down. It had to be.

"So what's keeping you from going down there now, if you know the key?"

Draco sighed. "That's the problem. We can't open the portal without Harry's Guardian."

Severus raised an eyebrow. "He had a Guardian?"

"I gave him one unknowingly, for his birthday." A nod from his godfather. Draco again felt the utter hopelessness well up in him. "But we can't communicate with his Guardian...we don't know how to. So, we're going to see if Sirena knows. But we don't know how to summon her." He anxiously twisted his ring in place. "Hermione thought that maybe I should twist the ring a certain way, and say Sirena's name at the same time...I thought it was pretty stupid."

"No idea is stupid, if there is a possibility it might work," Severus drawled. "It is actually a rather astute guess. I have heard of Summoning charms, and they do involve certain rituals, such as twisting a ring. I may have something for you that might help..."

Excitement flared in Draco's eyes, and Severus felt relief. That was better than the dull sorrow and pain of before. With footsteps that echoed in the empty classroom, he made his way to a bookshelf, removing a small glamour charm from a dusty book high up in the corner. He blew off the outer layer of dust, eliciting a sneeze from the now-too-close Draco, who was pressing in, unable to contain his hope and anticipation. "Relax...I'll write you a pass, so don't worry about being late," Severus said dryly. Draco just huffed, waving his hand to hurry his godfather along.

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