Chapter 12: Attack and Arrival

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A/N: So, the winner of the names for baby Potter was Lily Narcissa, with the majority of the votes. :) As for the boy names...well, keep voting! The mysterious boy will be appearing soon...and he is not what you think. But the name you guys choose will play a role in his personality. Right now I have one of two personalities, depending on which name is chosen.! 

And, as always, refavoment!

You guys are awesome. :) Love all y'all!



Four months down, one to go. The baby could come at any time. Harry groaned, as he moved slowly towards the room he shared with Draco. Everything hurt – his back, his knees, his feet…

“You okay?” Draco asked, concerned. Harry nodded.

“Just the weight. It’s killing me,” he complained. “And my feet are swollen again. It’s such an annoyance.”

“Just one more month, and you’ll be there,” Luna said encouragingly. Pansy and Hermione nodded, and all three girls shared a look of excitement.

“Have you decided on an name yet, Harry?” Seamus asked, cocking his head.

Harry shrugged. “Draco and I have talked about it, but we’re not really sure.”

“Got any name ideas then?”

“Well, we were thinking Lily Narcissa, or Alaina Isolde,” Draco said after a moment, wrinkling his nose. “I wanted something a bit more…finessed. Like Catriona. Or Lynneth.”

“But Lily was my suggestion,” Harry said happily. “And since Lily and Narcissa were our mothers’ names, we kind of wanted to honor their memory.”

Hermione cocked her head. “I like it, actually,” she said after a moment. “Since both are flower names, it kind of has an innocent, delicate quality…”

“Are you going to have any more kids after this one, Harry?” Luna asked. Draco and Harry shared a look.

“I honestly don’t know,” Harry admitted. “I really want a son, to be honest. But the idea of being a parent terrifies me. I’m not sure if I’m ready for one kid. To have two kids…that’s too much right now. I’m too young for this…maybe later.”

“What about nicknames?” Dean suggested. “You always have to have a nickname for a kid.”

Harry was about to speak, when suddenly, Blaise spoke up. “I think Snuffles would be a nice nickname,” he said suddenly and meaningfully. Instantly, the group shifted closer to Harry, as Draco leaned over to Blaise.

“Where?” he whispered.

“The corridor to our left…someone just disappeared. I couldn’t see their face because of their hood. I figured, no one wears a hood indoors,” Blaise replied in an equally quiet whisper. Draco nodded, indicating a job well done, then continued speaking as if everything was normal, all the while moving slowly towards the corridor, motioning to the others to stay where they were.

“Snuffles is a good idea,” he said nonchalantly. “Seems kinda cute, but I don’t know if it’s a proper nickname for our child…” His hand was on the coin in his pocket, ready to alert the rest of the Marauders, as he suddenly jumped around the corner of the corridor.

A startled gasp signaled the surprise of the spy, and Draco lunged to grab the figure’s cloak.

But it was too dark, and too late to catch a glimpse of anything. Draco watched helplessly, as the person rounded the far corner and disappeared, leaving him with a nondescript black cloak in his hand. Something silver fell from the cloak, and Draco knelt to pick it up. His heart started racing, as he realized how much closer the near-attack would have been to claiming Harry.

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