"it's getting dark out, we should head to sleep," I heard Aaron say.

"Yes, but ir-Aphmau isn't safe here because of my cursed niece. Neither is Garroth or myself. We should head to the place that the two of you have been resting at," I finally finished my cup of tea.

"Oh. Of course. You're the only three that shall ever see it or us, but you'll have to die as well," Zane turned towards me.

"By that, you mean fake or death?" It was simple to take a death, but hard to get away with it.

"Yes. I know exactly how to fake it too. Follow me,"he walked back into the shadows.

We all followed him into a clearing in the woods, the only one there was a brunette man. He seemed to be dealing with some, problems. Problems I've seen before, but I can't figure out what. It's on the tip of my tongue. Grief? No. Depression? No. What is it?

"Shadow Knight,"I whispered aloud, "he's fighting the calling,"

"Maybe we should call you hyria 2.0,"garroth joked.

"Garroth, now is not the time," I glared at him, "he's in pain. Him seeing his love and best friend die. He wouldn't be able to live with it,"

"Makes him the perfect victim,"Zane growled, "he will feel so bad that he won't go into the nether."

"Smart, or stupid. Seeing them die himself may just draw him closer to running away,"Aaron took the words right out of my mouth.

"It's a chance we have to take, we need someone to see, to tell the others," I stood on the tree branch.

"Right, now, will you tell us the plan? We've kinda been with out any fit a while,"Garroth next to me.

Alex: 298 words. Sorry it's a short one.

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