Shadow Knight?!

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A few years after running away ~

I noticed something glowing in the cave I was venturing in. This island was already crazy enough.

I started to follow the glow, slowly speeding up my place. I saw a portal, similar to the one I went through to get to this dimension. My cursed cat instincts made me jump through out of curiosity.

The world around me was incredibly hot and red, like my father. I didn't realize where I was walking, until it was too late. I fell off a cliff and into lava, what I thought was my last moments on this world.

I opened my eyes and felt cold flooring, "where in the nether am I?!"

"The nether, ironically," a woman with hair as purple as Cake's tied into a low ponytail spoke.

There was another woman looking at me, she had black hair with blue streaks, her eyes were pure black. The one with purple hair had pink eyes.
"Welcome to the Shadow Knights darling, who do you love and protect with your life?" The one with black hair and blue streaks was straight forward.

"Zane Ro'meave....." I muttered.

"Anyone else?" She added.

"Cake Valentine," I sighed.

"Well then, your first assignment is to kill them. I'm Jenny and that's Tsunee over there," the girl shocked me.

"She's already dead," I said with a poker face.

"So, no initiation for you, too bad, that would've been fun," the one called Tsunee whined.

I sat up from my previously laying diem position, my back was hurting badly and I noticed I wasn't in the same clothing as before. The three of us girls had pretty similar outfits on, only our over shirts were different ((picture above)). I tried standing up, blood rushing to my feet which were in knee high boots.

"What's this about me being a shadow Knight?" I gritted my teeth.

"Well, I found your dead body and my lord told me we would need you, so I took you and lord Shan revived you as a shadow Knight." Jenny brushed her hair out of her face.

"O-oh" I stuttered.

Jenny and Tsunee told me everything I needed to know. They didn't realize they were helping the enemy. I despise the Shadow Knights, they harmed my sisters, my kingdom, and now, my life. I should've never gone though that portal, not the nether one, the one in my old dimension. The dimension of the Divine Protectors. We protect the Divine Warriors from the Shadow Knights.

"Can I ever leave the nether?" I asked the girls in front of me.

"Yea, if you can find an open portal," Tsunee told me, "but make sure to tell us what you're doing before you go."

"I'm going to spy on O'kasis," I walked out of the room I was in.

I went searching for an open portal when......

Alex: cliff hanger!
Zane: y-your a shadow Knight?! But you hate them!
Alex: I told you, I have a valid reason for hating myself.
Laurence: so you're also betraying the Shadow Knights?
Alex: yup, anyways, see you my little kittens!

Princess GuardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon