O'kasis At Last

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Me and Joen have gotten to know each other a lot better during the trip. When we finally got to O'kasis, well near it, I felt comfortable having him alongside me.

We, unfortunately, would have to use the sewage way. I hid my ears and tail with a transformation spell I learned, now looking completely human.

Luckily it was night when we entered, we did NOT want someone to see Joen over here with translucent skin! I don't think anyone in O'kasis would except is for who we are, stuck up blue bloods.

I ran for Zane's house, as beautiful as ever, I saw him looking at the moon.

"Zuzu-senpai," I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

He turned towards me looking confused at something behind me. I followed his stare to Joen, he must have followed me. I sighed and walked up to Zane.

"That guy, is Joen, hitch hiker." I explained.

"Oh, that explains a lot. I hope he wasn't enticed by your beauty and characteristics," I felt my heart in my cheeks.

"What are you ttalking about?" I stuttered.

"Nothing! Forget I said that eheheh,"Zane laughed.

The three of us entered Zane's house and drank tea. I explained why I decided to come this time. He told me how he was going to be leaving soon, for fifteen years. I don't know where, he wouldn't tell me. He did tell me he wasn't sure exactly how long he would be there, it all depends.

I left a little, shattered, but acted still very, highly. I decided to go back onto my boat, if I stay here any longer, I think I'll cry.

" why are you so sad? Sadness is not something that looks good on you," Joen spoke to me as we boarded my ship.

"That's none of your business," it's harder to keep my cool than before.

"Sssorry, I didn't mean to anger you," his soft eyes were filled with fear.

"Let's just, go back to my island for now," I growled.

We continued on, I had a new tenant in my secret city, perfect. So many secrets I have to keep now, I didn't even tell Zane I'm a shadow Knight, yet.

Alex: 370 words! I've been posting non-stop X3.
Katelyn: Alex! It's time for weekly meditation.
Alex:k Kate.

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