Alexiah's Tale part 1

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I sat up in the bed. I was a lot older than I was in my.... Dream? I saw that my heart was still out of my chest, flying next to me.

I realized that the equipment was actually magical, a way to put someone into someone's mind again. I know who I really am now, and who everyone else is to. I don't know why, well I do know why, but I have a urge to sing..

" Never thought I'd find love in your darling eyes," I started, "Thought I was just over protective, not jealous. You know all my secrets and I know all yours. I'm proud to say, that I'm mad for you. Your calming words touched my heart. The fact that I don't even want to start. How we are the perfect duo. Darling, we're going insane. Can't even remember my name. Tip my hat to you as I sip my cup of tea. Cause darling don't you see? We're crazy as can be , but we move along. Jumping off the edge of sanity. Darling can't you see? Love makes us crazy. We don't care what the others say, as we run far, far away. The insanity consumes me, but being near you saved me. A crazy kind of thing, we can't escape. We can still live through it together if we never part. Cause darling don't you see this maze of memories that just keeps changing. " I heard someone moved and stopped.

I turned to see Garroth fully awake and staring at me, "that was a beautiful song. I never knew you were so good at making those kinds of things up."

"I, just get a feeling and words end up pouring out of my mouth. I wouldn't even be able to repeat that song word for word again," I gave a nervous laugh.

"That's unfortunate, it was so beautiful. Who was it for?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think, it's for Freya," I lifted my head, "I remember everything, except the week that I feel asleep.... I'm still not sure about it."

"I can't tell you the story, but aphmau can," he said as he stood up,"she would be so happy to see you again."

I stepped out of the bed. I was wearing a long, beautiful black and teal cloak. Garroth was wearing some standard armor, like he always does. I've been able to, kind of, see everything that happened to aph while I was asleep, so I knew a lot already.

Alex: 422 words, yep chapters in one day! The song that Alexiah sung is actually a song I wrote for my datemate. Enjoy my little kittens!

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