It Doesn't Matter

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I hate him. He stopped me, I didn't want to be stopped, I didn't want to be stopped. I was so close to full impact on my chest, but then thinking about him. Him. Why is it him, instead of the him I want it to be. It's the wrong him that's making my heart soar making me smile. I never realized how much he's tried until I lost the him I already loved.

He was always so cute and I knew it. I simply didn't know he was cute in that kind of way.

He's been making sure I stay healthy and alive, keeping me calm while I go through this mourning.

He's been slowly reintroducing me to my long lost sisters.

I hate how much I love him. I hate how long it took me to realize this.

I miss my simplistic life, I miss Irene's voice in my head. Instead it's this, this, this, demon taking me all the things I hate.

I hate life.

I'm worthless.


Alex: this isn't the end! I know it's getting real sad! Enjoy my little kittens!

Princess GuardWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt