Oakland & Im So Sorry

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Blake told me that I could still live in our house but it was to big for me to live there by myself. I found a loft for sale. Blake went with me to go look at it. I really liked it so I purchased it. Our house was on the market for 4.5 million dollars. It was easy to sell. Blake found a penthouse in Oakland. I didn't get to see it yet. My loft was already set up with new furniture.
Blake and I were flying to Oakland today to see the penthouse. When we got to his penthouse it was amazing. The pool overlooked the whole city. Blake didn't buy furniture yet. He really liked it too. DJ, Chris, and JJ were coming to see the place too. We were going to Stephen's house soon.

Stephen lived in a huge house. It's pretty amazing. When we got there Riley was super happy to see Blake and I. His wife Ayesha was really beautiful. And their kids were too. He showed us around Oakland.
Once we got back to Blake's Penthouse we relaxed in the pool. Since Blake had ordered all of his furniture none of it was here so we slept on the floor.
My plan was to go back to Los Angeles to my loft with Blake so that he can have the people he hired move everything in for him. We flew back. On the way back we snuggled together on the couch, on the jet. These were going to be our last moments like this.
When we got back to L.A Blake was going out with the guys so I decided to go out with Madison. We went to the mall and went to her house. I got a new Louis Vitton purse. When we got home it was late.Blake still wasn't back yet.
I woke up the next morning by myself. I looked around for him and he wasn't there. I texted him.
Me: 🙋🏽Are you still with the 👦🏽's
A few minutes he texted me back.
Blakey😘: I'm so sorry Emerson.😭

When I read that I was confused. What was he sorry for? Oh no. I hope he didn't do anything stupid last night with the guys. This isn't what I needed right now.
He got home soon. He had a sad  look in his face. As I stared at him I could see that he was guilty of something. He hugged me tightly. I didn't hug back.
"What's the problem? What are you sorry for?" I asked.
"Last night the dudes and I went to a club. My bro, Ben Wherry's wife, Brianna was there and she was all up on me and we kissed. Emerson it meant nothing. I feel so bad."
"Blake, I'm so disappointed in you right now. Brianna Wherry is my friend."
"I know baby. And I'm just so sorry."
Blake held me and pulled me close to him.
I ignored it and didn't move a single muscle on my body.
"Blake. Let. Me. Go." I said, crying.
I kicked, screamed and scratched his back. Then I just gave up and gave in. I stopped trying to get him off of me and I just wrapped my arms around his waist. I was bursting of tears.
"I know. I know. Come on baby, let it out." Blake said.
I was hurting and now crying uncontrollably. Blake just held me and comforted me. He was hurt too. I know he felt terrible. After about ten minutes I stopped. He picked me up and sat me on the bed. He got on his knees and held my hands.
"Baby I promise I will never do it again. I'll never kiss someone other than you. You're the one I want. So since I hurt you you may hurt me." He said taking his shorts off.
"Kick me Emerson. Make me feel the pain too."
"I can't do that to you. I'm in love with you Blake. I never want to hurt you. I know you messed up. It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. Like you said, we just have to make up for them."
"What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Love me. Promise to me that this won't ever happen again."
"I already do love you Em. Who couldn't?You're absolutely gorgeous. I promise I will never hurt you again."
"Thank you Blake."
"No thank you Emerson."
We hugged. That night we just I enjoyed each other's accompany. Brianna Wherry actually called me. She apologized for everything. We're okay again now.
I only have a few more months of living with Blake before he has to go back to to Oakland so I'm going to try to make It special.

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