The Lake (Part 1)

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Blake was now home. Dang it. I thought to myself. He had just walked in.
"Emerson. Parks." He said.
I walked down the stairs.
"What happened? What's up with you? You don't go to my game, and don't tell me that you left. I was late for my flight and I had to wait for the next one because we were supposed to board together." Blake said.
"We lost. I did terrible. Everyone did bad. Coach screamed at us. It's just I know I can do better. It's very disappointing. Sorry that I didn't tell you. I was so upset that I left right after the game. I didn't even change. I just caught a flight home."
Blake hugged me tightly.
"I mess up all the time. Coach yells at us too. It's okay to not be perfect all the time. We learn from our mistakes."Blake said.
"I know but---"
Blake cut me off.
"No excuses! Remember we talked about this. For every excuse is 10 push ups."
"Uggg but Blake!" I said.
"Babe excuse! Give me twenty!"
I got on the ground and did twenty push ups.
"That's my girl. No more talking. You're going to make mistakes. You just gotta make up for that."
I smiled.
"Thanks Blake." I said.
"Emerson Makayla Parks! I said no more talking!"
He was taking this way too seriously. He picked me up, took me outside and threw me into the pool. Then he jumped in with me.
"Omg Blake!" I screamed.
"Hey lets do something crazy."
He got out of the pool. I followed him. We went to the garage. Blake grabbed the keys to his Mercedes.
We got in. He drove. He was kissing my neck while driving.
"OMG babe you're gonna wreak." I said.
"No I'm not." Blake said smiling.
He kept on kissing me and driving. Soon we got to a lake.
"Blake nooooooooo." I said.
"Come on." He said.
We got out of the car and Blake ran to the water.
"COME ON EM ITS SO COLD!" Blake screamed.
I got in the lake. I knew we could get in really big trouble for being in here at night.
I was shivering. Blake held me tight and carried me. Basically I was on his back. He let me go.

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