Second Chances

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Kenya POV-

"Ms. Morris can you follow me to my office." Professor Reid caught up with me after class.

"Sure." I was a little startled that he wanted to meet me. I was doing well in his class so I didn't see the problem.

"You're not in trouble." He reassured me as we walked down the stairs to the 2nd floor where his office was.

"Thank God." I let out a nervous laugh. Inside tho, I was so relieved. 

We got to his office and went in. It was stacked ceiling to floor with science books. He pointed to a chair for me to sit down.

"So I looked at the list of Rhodes Scholars. Didn't see your name." He said sitting down.

"Yeah." I sighed. He was one of the professors who wrote me a letter of recommendation for it so I guess he was keeping up with the finalist.

"No one from LSU ever became one. But then again in my time here, which is 15 years, I've never seen someone one with so much brilliance and passion for science and the black community like you."

"Aw Thank you Dr. Reid." I blushed. It meant a lot coming from him. He was one of my favorite professors.

"Which is why when I saw the list I immediately called Dr. Thompson."

My heart stopped. "Clarissa Thompson?"

"Yes. You seemed shocked."'he chuckled.

"No, no." I gave a nervous laugh. "It's just Dr. Thompson is one of the premier black Chemist in England. My whole entire four years here we've studied her work and read her books".

"And she also happens to be on the Rhodes committee. That's between us tho." He told me indicating it was a secret. Applicants were not supposed to know the committee members.

"We were in the same class when I was a Rhode Scholar at Oxford. I told her they were making a big mistake passing up on you. I told them, there is no more brilliant mind white or black in science than Kenya Morris. That you are our future. Not just because of your mind but your heart and your vision to use your brilliance to help your community. She told me she would be here in the states this week for a conference. And because I was so adamant about you. She said she would meet with you."

My heart stopped. This was a woman who was infamous in the science community. She was one of the few black Chemist whose work was well regarded internationally. And she was willing to meet with me? This week!?

"Oh my God. Professor Reid thank you. When?"

"Saturday. Are you free? She's going to fly out here."

"Yes of course." I said in disbelief.

"Well I'll email you the other details. Time and such, once I get her flight information."

"Wow." I shook my head still in disbelief.

"I can't promise anything, but I do know your brilliance will speak for itself and something will come from this. I just believe that."

"I'm speechless. I don't think you understand what this means to me. Like I didn't even tell my mom
I didn't get it yet, I was too ashamed and now this. Whatever comes from it, I will be grateful. Thank you." I shook his hand.

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